The disgusting “anchor baby” argument raises its ugly, badly supported head in the Utah runoff campaign between the two Republicans. Constitution be damned! That pesky 14th amendment was really about establishing the citizenship of former slaves, after all. Apparently the Constitution was framed by our Founders for whites only, according to these yobbos. I can only hope that the Utah electorate is smart enough to figure this out but… What am I thinking? With a dominant culture that discourages critical thinking, and an educational system that is very much a product of the culture, it’s likely that the next senator…
New Web site offers reviews of churches – Chicago Tribune Wal-Mart To Give Food Banks $2 Billion In Aid Over Next Five Years – The Two-Way – Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR Anglicanism and the Church of England : The New Yorker Richard (RJ) Eskow: Usurious Payday Loans: Myths, Flawed Studies, and Solutions The Lead | Desmond Tutu
President Obama rips BP, Transocean, Halliburton execs a new one. ‘Ridiculous spectacle’: Obama slams BP, Transocean over Gulf oil spill | McClatchy As for Tuesday’s testimony in which companies involved passed the blame for the spill, the president said, “I did not appreciate what I considered to be a ridiculous spectacle during the congressional hearings into this matter. You had executives of B.P. and Transocean and Halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else. The American people could not have been impressed with that display, and I certainly wasn’t.â€
Free Font Download – Bitwise font | Free Font Download – 256 Bytes font | Free Font Download – Venetia Monitor font | Gas surge shut well a couple of weeks before Gulf oil spill | Clarkson told to reopen footpath Clarkson is an ass and on a future trip I'd like to walk on on of these footpaths. Growth Possible or Desired
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Looks like there’s going to be lots of bad travel karma this weekend and into next week, as many flights into and out of the Iberian peninsula are canceled due to another hiccup from the unpronounceable Icelandic volcano. BBC News – Volcanic ash cloud hits transatlantic flights Hundreds of transatlantic flights have been cancelled or delayed by a cloud of ash from an Icelandic volcano drifting south over Western Europe. Sixteen Spanish airports – including the international hub, Barcelona – are closed, with many flights being re-routed around the affected area.
Russian Report: The 1980 ‘October Surprise’ Was Indeed A Deal Made By The Republicans. | Crooks and Liars.
… you correctly notified the authorities that someone had purchased a one-way ticket to Dubai, in cash at the last moment. Did Times Square Bomb Suspect Almost Get Away? | TPMMuckraker CBS News adds that it was only thanks to a tip from Emirates Airlines that Shahzad, 30, was nabbed. Emirates notified the Department of Homeland Security that it had received a last-minute request for an all-cash purpose of a one-way ticket to Dubai — all of which are red flags. Before the arrest was made, law enforcement authorities had already notified authorities that the plane was not to take…
… and as a business travel arranger, I’m curious to know how this is going to effect me in the months to come, too. Some of my business travelers may benefit, but many of my guys are based in Houston (CO’s southern hub) and other Midwestern cities – NOT Chicago or Denver (UA’s main hubs). They don’t fly United much except for some of the ones that like the early morning ‘daylighter’ flights to Britain from Washington or Chicago. How the Continental-United merger will affect business travelers – Now that United Airlines and Continental Airlines have tied the knot,…
So this is the guy? He really does look like a Wall Street trader. And though multiple arrests were made, CNN still used the phrase “lone wolf” in their story. Arrests made in Pakistan in Times Square probe. [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]