Funny how a meme I saw mentioned in the comments thread at a liberal blog pops up on the Christian Science Monitor. When the Muppet fits… The GOP’s constant kneejerk rejection of economic ideas simply for the sake of Saying No has as much to do with our current malaise as anything being done wrong in the White House. The newly-minted fiscal conservatives on the Republican side of the aisle, many of whom are themselves responsible for the $3 trillion and counting Iraq War, are like the old men who heckle the Muppet Show from the balcony. Via GOP: The…
Drew Westen: What Created the Populist Explosion and How Democrats Can Avoid the Shrapnel in November George Lakoff: The Cry for Democratic Moral Leadership and Effective Communication Orcinus Joseph A. Palermo: There YouTube – Right Nation 2010: State Senator Matt Murphy Glenn Beck's Carnival of Crazy is coming to town, local politician attempts to jump on board. James Lee | James Jay Lee | | Discovery | Mediaite Right wing website Mediaite probably likes the part about anchor babies. The rest is going to bring negative attention to normal enviros and even on us Childfree people. Sarah Palin the…
500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error Sarah Palin to visit Iowa: Think you know what that means? – Sarah Palin Celebrates Shabbat And Offers Echoes of Esther – August 30, 2010 – The New York Sun How many people paid $25,000 each to sit at the half-term governor's table for Shabbot dinner? Cui Bono? Free Social Media Icon Sets – Best Of Tsingy: The Stone Forest of Madagascar | Amusing Planet
After letting my snarky inner twelve-year-old blog on Saturday, it seemed like it was time to make note of something worth repeating, and repeating again. For too long, the ideological (and idiot-illogical) divide in this country has kept the wrong stories in the news. We need to recall our own national character – the better one, not the one that sent Japanese-American families to internment camps, but the one that ensured freedom of religion, and cordial relations between people of different faiths. Like the story out of Murfreesboro – supposedly a story about intolerance and hatred of The Other. But…
BBC News – Canada hikers find dead body of climber lost since 1989 The corpse of an American mountaineer who fell to his death in the Canadian Rockies more than two decades ago has been found.
"Dr" Alveda King Trading on the King DNA, niece turned away from family, doesn't recall why she was awarded an honorary doctorate BBC News – Who answered Glenn Beck Crackdown in Bahrain Hints of End to Reforms – I sometimes book travelers to Bahrain, and they're not great fans of the place. Delivery of Boeing 787 Dreamliner delayed again – The New Yorker Maps Koch Industries Follow the money that funds the vast right wing conspiracy BBC News – How the internet is changing language Kind of sad reading definitions of Internet Menes in British court.
“Don’t make me come out there.” What the hell, I ended up live-blogging the whole damn thing. I took this photo a few years ago on a trip to Washington DC, with the “good camera” that’s been sent off to Canon for possible repair, or I’ll be in the market for a refurbished 30D. I Tweeted a lot of my Lincoln Memorial photos last night after getting irked at all the Beckamania co-opting of the imagery of Lincoln, Dr King, and all the hoo-ha about reclaiming the nation’s honor. It bugged me that the national honor so much in need…
500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error BBC News – Campbell agent denies lying over Taylor diamonds Local Ward by Ward, New Orleans Marches Back – Lens Blog –
500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error How to make weapons-grade ratatouille – Francis Lam – 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error
The Most Biased Name in News Enjoy this trove of examples of FOX "News" bias… PRE-9/11 Porter Goes Deeper Into Dominionism | Right Wing Watch Blagojevich on trial: Former governor Aug 14 9am Editor’s column: We ran with the list story, but not with the list | The Salt Lake Tribune American-born children at heart of controversial list, state says | The Salt Lake Tribune