• Hot Off The Presses - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Goodbye, Senator Zelig

    We hardly knew ye, but we know all about the resume update you’ll have chiseled onto your tombstone. Link: Burris Looks Back On “Big Legacy” UPDATE: RATS! I can’t add just a link, because I didn’t want to replace my entry titles with the Tumblog entry title tag. I had to add the link and it’s title manually on this post.

  • Good and Joyful Things - Hot Off The Presses - Only in Utah...

    Survey Links Gay Suicide To Religious Messages

    So: not messages like “love your neighbor, love the sinner” but more like “hate yourself, hate your sin.” Testing Express, an app for iPhone that is supposed to work n conjunction with the WooTumblog app. UPDATE: Works! Still not the link-grabber bookmarklet Press This used to be before a recent “security” update, but it’s not difficult to set up a lightly edited post from the iPhone now. It’s not that easy to do links with the official WordPress app, and blockquote? Fageddaboudit, you have to go through hell just to get angle brackets. All in all, a modified “w00t!”

  • Hot Off The Presses - SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano.

    Amtrak chugs along nicely to record ridership

    After hosting a dear friend from college who’s traveling on an Amtrak USA railpass this month, I’m happy to see this news. In fact when I told my workmates about my friend’s epic journey to Glacier National Park, now they want to try it too… just not without using Amtrak’s horrible reservations system, “Arrow.” Maybe an improvement to one of our tools sometime next year will make it easier to book the occasional business traveler. That said, I’m a rail fan, and I really wish the US hadn’t turned its passenger rail systems into a few tourist routes and a…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Linkdump: September 16th – October 3rd

    Religion News and Opinion on The Huffington Post Churchgoers ditch pews for ‘Faith in Action’ | The Salt Lake Tribune Faith in action looks good! Bottle cruises for 7 years before washing up with note Travel 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error Large Wall Clocks – Big Wall Clocks and Oversized Wall Clocks

  • Funnies - Hot Off The Presses

    Mind The Badger- British Workmen Paint Road Lines Around Dead Mammal

    BBC News – Hampshire workmen paint white lines around dead badger. Hampshire workmen paint white lines around dead badger The dead badger has been removed and the lines will be painted Workmen painting white lines on a road left a gap for a dead badger because they said it was not their responsibility to move it. The animal had been killed about a week before on the A338 near Downton, on the Hampshire-Wiltshire border. Hampshire County Council said the workers did what they thought “was best” because it is the district council’s job to remove carcasses. The badger has now…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Linkdump: September 11th – September 15th

    Squirrels don rattlesnake perfume to avoid harm | MNN – Mother Nature Network Mother Cat Adopts Baby Squirrel | Leake County Mississippi How to give an opossum a "proper pedicure" – Boing Boing yes, there is a Boddhisatva Squirrel PA Homeland Security gave names of anti-drill activists to drilling company – Boing Boing Suddenly, squirrels are everywhere! 10 Influential Albums (Crosswalks to Nowhere) How to make Photographs Vintage – Gimpology: GIMP Tutorials and resources for the GIMP Play audio painlessly with WordPress Audio Player | WPCandy Hoarders (A&E) – TWoP Forums

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Linkdump: September 5th – September 11th

    The Dominionists: Christian Fanatics Who Want To Save The World By Destroying It « Shoq Value CIA confirms Bush lied about WMDs Osama died peacefully, FOX never pulled the report of his death? Last rites for Churchill’s chapel / Tikanga Pakeha / News / Anglican Taonga – Anglican Taonga The church is not the building, it's the people and how they care for one another and the world. Clarkson Hurt By Stig’s Actions Schadenfruede's a bitch, Jeremy. 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Quran Burning: Protest By Tossing Bibles On The Pile?

    Just pondering what “Pastor” “Doctor” Terry Jones would do if shortly before he lights off his pile of Qurans, protestors tossed Bibles or pocket New Testaments on it to protect their fellow sacred texts? Jones would have to stop to gather them up. Repeat as needed. For best effect, the people tossing Bibles on the pile would need to be Christians, or even clergy in vestments. All different kinds. I’m not suggesting anyone of another faith throw their sacred text on the pile, just imagining how it might play out if it did. I hope that Jones backs down, and…