Abortion. It’s always been on the table, but now we can expect a little more… push. http://www.americans4life.org/AFL_survey.html?pid=3b&emx=Brain@ihazone.com&fn=Everywoman&ln=American&z=60007&mid=5 I was reading Talking Points Memo the other day and saw an ad for this anti-abortion outfit in the sidebar. Knowing that TPM gets paid for clicks, I took their survey, answering NO to every heavily biased question. The response was the long screed about the sanctity of life, with no acknowledgment of my answers. Obviously, not a survey, but a preachable moment and more importantly, a fundraising gimmick. Well, he’s NOT preaching to the choir here, and I’m certainly NOT a member…
Har de Har, Mr Ex-President, thanks for leaving office feet down but the economy feet up. Via The Guardian
So where it really counted – the Senate races featuring female religious fanatics like Angle and O’Donnell, Palin’s endorsement wasn’t enough. And in O’Donnell’s case, not even a Bumpit and a bunch of rabid teabaggers shouting slogans outside polling places were enough, thanks be to God. Via Palin A Loser | Talking Points Memo.
ABC News made the wrong choice in tapping Breitbart to have ANY role in their election coverage, but they corrected themselves in time, and won’t make that mistake again. I’ve bolded the most delicious, schadenfreudlich tidbits to savor after the polls close, as it’s likely to be one of the few pieces of good news to come out of today’s Election Day coverage. We have spent the past several days trying to make clear to you your limited role as a participant in our digital town hall to be streamed on ABCNews.com and Facebook. The post on your blog last…
… of the Christian Anti-Scientists taking us all into involuntary theocratude. If some of the more extreme Republican candidates get elected, their views – far outside the mainstream – suddenly have credibility. This is particularly troubling in the Senate, where one member can yield tremendous power. These candidates have railed on the evils of unemployment insurance, want to eliminate minimum wage laws, and would do away with Social Security and Medicare. Some aim to remove most basic government regulations, gut consumer protection laws, and cut federal aid to education. Republicans that are even more radical would seek to position Christianity…
Take a look at the Google image repository for “Joe Miller Alaska Senate.” It’s creepy how in every picture, Miller has about a 5-day shadow, and gives off a very Chuck Norris “Walker, Texas Ranger” vibe. Eh, maybe he’s just Brawny.
Yeah, yeah. I’m just sad that I can’t vote AGAINST “Tombstone” Burris. The old Chicago adage "vote often" takes on new meaning Tuesday — instead of voting once for U.S. Senate, voters will weigh in twice. It’s all legit. The quirk is wrapped up in the drawn-out drama associated with the Senate seat that Barack Obama vacated after he was elected president in 2008. The short of it is that a federal judge ordered a special election to fill the remaining roughly 40 days of Obama’s Senate term. In the interests of time, that special election is being held at…
You can bet somebody at FOX will make a “witty” remark about killer rabbits to take the sting off Former President Jimmy Carter slammed Fox News Channel Sunday for their coverage of President Barack Obama. “With the discussion groups, for instance, on Fox News, that are totally biased, and they implant completely false images not only of the facts about legislation that’s passed, or doesn’t get passed, but also about the character of President Obama,” Cater told CNN’s Howard Kurtz. via Jimmy Carter: Fox News is ‘totally biased’ | Video Cafe. UPDATE: Thanks to Mitch for the timely rebuttal!
ALBANY, N.Y. — The wife of a Libertarian running for New York governor race is speaking out against an anonymous campaign mailer that depicted her husband as the subject of a “sexual predator alert.” via Anonymous mailer: NY gov candidate is sex predator.