Feast of St. Nicholas: With voices loud and joyous | Seven whole days Speaking to the Soul Quidditch coming to Elmhurst College – Chicago Tribune Padre Mickey’s Dance Party: Feast of St. Nicholas of Myra BBC News – Spain prime minister ‘stopped’ Rolls-Royce contract Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide Editorial | Creationist tourism | courier-journal.com | The Courier-Journal Are Mennonites Taking Over the World? – Sheldon C. Good – God’s Politics Blog
Qantas begins legal action regarding Rolls-Royce A380 engines – USATODAY.com Nixon with Lipstick | Crooks and Liars Chaplain to be ordained priest in hospital she serves Creepy Christian Patriarchy Movement Shackles Daughters to Their Fathers and Homes | Reproductive Justice | AlterNet Two words: Cree, and pee. Events — Schaumburg news, photos and events — TribLocal.com
As in “business as usual.” The world ends 21OCT, but at least the annoying Xtianists will be gone WELL before then. Prediction of my own: the billboards will quietly disappear, or be humorously “updated.” The fans of Family Radio Inc., a Christian radio network, have sponsored dozens of different billboards in select cities around the country proclaiming the exact date when Jesus is coming back. May 21st, 2011. You know, just like the Bible “predicted.†Via Friendly Atheist
SL for Nowt MagicJack – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Victorian Women Writers Project – The Hawaiian Archipelago Earth as Art: Stunning New Images From Space | Wired Science | Wired.com The Steampunk Tribune: The Steampunk Writers Guild and the Creative Genus Deck…
Facebook remains thick with malware: report – CSMonitor.com Pam’s House Blend:: Ranker: Top 12 Most Invasive TSA Sexual Harassment Cases (So Far) Junk Man Kate Middleton & Prince William royal wedding: How will I cope with this jamboree? | Mail Online BBC News – Student Martine Vik Magnussen unlawfully killed Monster Lance Corporal Ram and his daughter greet Prince Harry You're wearing Skins to meet the Prince on the Field of Remembrance? Must be a story, the Brits are usually such sticklers for attire. t r u t h o u t | Bill Moyers: "Welcome to the Plutocracy!"
After the dream I had the other night, stories like this tend to leap out at me. Alternet: 16 Dumb Things Americans are often misinformed, occasionally downright dumb, and easily misled by juicy-sounding rumors. But while the right wing is taking full advantage of this reality, the Left worries that calling out lies is “rude.”
Wildlife Photographer of the Year London Drum ~~ Big City Guide to London Cenotaph war memorial in London — for the Remembrance Day Parade Remembrance Sunday – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Slow Travel United Kingdom – London in November, visiting in the off season, theatre tickets Prim Perfect Opting Out of Full Body Image Scanning at the Airport – UCSF Faculty Concerned Over X-Rays – 100x Stronger Than Assumed? « San Francisco Citizen
Welcoming and Open Congregations St.Martin in the Fields – pageTitle 13NOV concert Poll: Large percentage of Utahns think same-sex attractions can be changed | The Salt Lake Tribune Episcopal Life Online – NEWS London exhibit brings Egyptian Book of the Dead to life – USATODAY.com We can see this in London! CSS Trick: Turning a background image into a clickable link – Xavisys
Not much detail yet. Could be nothing, could be troubling, need more information.