Ann Telnaes’ stark visual commentary on the Washington Post’s failure to endorse Kamala Harris from 25OCT24. I will not be cancelling my subscription to the Post, because I support their journalists and editors. The decision came from publisher Jeff Bezos.
Earlier today, the Washington Post declined to endorse a candidate in the US Presidential Election. Reportedly, an opinion endorsing VP Kamala Harris had been written but was killed by either the current CEO, or owner-oligarch Jeff Bezos. Many people have canceled their WaPo subscriptions; I just can’t in an election year. So instead, here’s an endorsement from UK liberal bastion paper, The Guardian. Which I read for free, but I may subscribe. God knows I read them constantly. Editorial: The decision of American voters will be profoundly consequential for everyone. A Harris victory would offer some hope… Link: The…
There are nice, thoughtful, diverse people who live in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s district. A brown-skinned immigrant with a foreign accent talked to them about everything except politics and was rewarded with interesting conversations. He was initially apprehensive, but found only friendly locals. It sounds like someone needs to give them an alternative to MTG in two years. Gift Link: Washington Post “Brown Immigrant Visits MTG’s District”
Mariel Garza, editorials editor at The Los Angeles Times, has resigned. The announcement comes after the paper’s billionaire owner killed an endorsement of Kamala Harris for president. Link: LA Times opinion editor quits after billionaire owner kills endorsement
Claire McCaskill absolutely furious over yet another shocking revelation of Trump’s abyssal garbage pit where character should be. “When he promised a family he would take care of their funeral expenses, that was before the election,” said McCaskill. “That was in April of 2020. When he said, ‘I’m not going to pay to bury the f-ing Mexican,’ that was after he had lost in December.” She told viewers “to remember, he’ll say anything before an election, but his true character comes out after the election.” Link: ‘He’ll say anything before an election’: Ex-senator blasts Trump after bombshell report
Data suggests canvassers linked to Elon Musk’s America Pac falsely claimed to have visited homes of potential voters.
It’s Saturday, I’m listening to a “clip show” retrospective version of “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me,” and I’m trying to exercise my atrophied blogging muscles. I used to be a prolific long-form blogger, until Twitter, real Twitter, remodeled my brain to think in 240-character snippets. I have a desktop computer, and a wheezer of a laptop, that made this easy. And then I got more into wanting to say Something Important via my iPhone or my mini iPad, with their teeny on-screen keyboards. This is a frustrating process and I stopped blogging because it was hard to type and hard…
There’s a bizarre detail about Weinstein’s anatomy at the end of this story. It’s a gift link, so you’ll be able to read it. Don’t read it at work or people on Zoom or in the next cube will look up and wonder why you’re gagging at your desk. A Los Angeles jury on Monday found Harvey Weinstein guilty of rape, forced oral copulation and a third sexual misconduct charge after a weekslong trial. — Read on
The church I attended as a kid is being torn down, the people are now renting space from the Episcopal church down the street. As I’m now Episcopalian, but taking a break from weekly attendance, I’m feeling very off-balance about this.
The events around Queen Elizabeth’s death have unfolded with an astonishing amount of formal, choreographed movement. — Read on