Originally, the headline in Google Reader was: “News Blog: Tranny in lock-up complains of abuse.” It still shows that way in Reader and on Topix.net. Now it reads “Transsexual in Salt Lake County jail complains of abuse.” Apparently it was re-written at least twice to correct the headline and typos, but there’s still a few left – it’s a news blog, after all, not a front-page story. There’s another story at City Weekly that extensively quotes a very proud performer named Princess Kennedy, who apparently went to my high school. She matter-of-factly self-refers as “tranny.” Maybe in the Utah GLBT…
Exhibit 8: Limitations of Second Life’s modeling routines Lewis & Clark 2 Best quality image of PDX Expo totem poles 07-3-skidegate-b.jpg 911×523 pixels sitka_0200.jpg 450×600 pixels TED Blog | A call to men: Tony Porter on TED.com McKenzie River Drift Boats, wooden boat kits and supplies
Google Image Result for http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1278/4610538959_27c9f9deac.jpg Google Image Result for http://www.scottspeck.com/pictures/seattle_2005/tacoma/DSCN2413a.jpg Google Image Result for http://www.earthseaimagery.com/images/pacific_ave_union_station_tacoma_4-74.jpg Kuriositas: Fly Geyser – Not Quite of this World Useful Scripts for Second Life® – brought to you by SL4Nowt Tutorial: Make your own Landmarks HUD : SL for Nowt Building in Second Life, By Example | Bob Sutor
Pop loved Pogo. The Christmas strips were particular favorites of his, but I don’t recall this specific one. The Russian jokes tie it to the Cold War/Space Race storyline… Somewhere I’ve got the books that introduce the two-headed dog who barks in Russian and a kind of gibberish that I find hysterically funny (pookapookapooka!). This one has St Nicholas and his reindeer (Albert the Alligator and his trusty moose), with Pogo along to make with the good cheer (oog). Walt Kelly was the greatest daily comic strip artist in American history. His Pogo strip was an uncanny mixture of laughter,…
http://www.slcgov.com/mayor/refugee/domviolence.pdf SLC Mayors Office Domestic Violence Info YMCA Shelter – Salt Lake City In 1976 the YWCA opened the first domestic violence shelter in the state of Utah, and one of the first in the country. The 75-bed shelter continues to provide crisis intervention, advocacy for women and children, extended shelter, and a private room. The program serves more than 500 women and children each year who are victims of family violence. The shelter operates 24 hours day, 365 days a year. http://www.utahbar.org/bars/umba/assets/utah_domestic_violence_shelters.pdf Salt Lake Domestic Violence resources GIMP tutorials and resources for free – Gimpology.com: Enchancing the colors of your photos…
How parents keep the faith: getting spiritual meaning at home, not church – CSMonitor.com How parents keep the faith: Teaching the religion of Islam at home – CSMonitor.com How parents keep the faith: a Christmas gift of mitzvahs – CSMonitor.com How parents keep the faith: The rock of belief is at home – CSMonitor.com How parents keep the faith: Mandate a moral code, not theology – CSMonitor.com 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error Deal watch: Norwegian Cruise Line launches ‘free upgrade’ promotion – USATODAY.com Guest Blogger Starling: Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without…
The iPad has been tempting me to try buying eBooks to eRead in my copious sPare time. Last night I happened to catch an episode of the Canadian culture and current events show Q that included a very positive review of The Imperfectionists: A Novel by Tom Rachman. As a former English major, I’ve avoided reading serious novels for decades; I’ve read a couple of books in recent years that featured that cutesy scribbled-script kind of font with whimsical names like “The Lost Weekend of Cooking In Provence” or “The Lumpy Girl’s Guide To Off-Putting Personal Hygiene” and that was…
http://undertow.jedsmith.org/gawker/ So far I have changed ICHC because I autologged when I went to read Torley’s FAIL post from there. It succeeded for me, though
TribU Opinion BBC News – Sweden: Stockholm blasts kill one and injure one other Tutorial Geek: Wedding Photo Enhancement using The GIMP Creation Portal – Second Life Wiki
So this is why the Jesus Christianists hate Barbara Ehrenreich’s book “Nickel and Dimed” so much. Hat tip to @stopbeck for mentioning the effort to ban it, which goes back years but has a consistent Christian-Right taint. “It would be nice if someone would read this sad-eyed crowd the Sermon on the Mount, accompanied by a rousing commentary on income inequality and the need for a hike in the minimum wage. But Jesus makes his appearance here only as a corpse; the living man, the wine-guzzling vagrant and precocious socialist, is never once mentioned, nor anything he ever had to…