• Hot Off The Presses

    Linkdump: January 3rd – January 9th

    FOX News cuts away from ‘Giffords vigil’ when Sarah Palin’s name is mentioned | Crooks and LiarsWhy did Shepard Smith urge viewers to stay tuned for the press conference coming up, only for FOX to cut away abruptly in mid-sentence after they showed a man at the vigil invoke Sarah Palin? DonationsPossible ethics violation, attending fundraiser on Capitol grounds and specifically calling it “swearing in” Social Security 101 | Crooks and LiarsNeed to listen to the Crazy 8’s song “Johnny Q” NPR.org » New Medical School Model: Adopt A Family To TreatHeard this story, like the concept of community medicine.…

  • Episcopal - Hot Off The Presses

    Chicago Episcopalians pray for peace in Sudan – Chicago Tribune

    Unfortunately, we didn’t do anything at St Nicks to mark this, as the energy at the time the Renk partnerships were starting was around keeping our own programs (and doors) open. This was all pre-merger with Holy Innocents and we all had other things on our minds. Note at the bottom, Manya Breachear never fails to mention Teh Gay Bishop controversy. When Bishop Katharine visited St Nick’s in 2007, she was asked ONE question about gay clergy, and it was picked up by the Trib and the other papers and made headlines all over. For nine years, Episcopalians in Chicago…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Linkdump: January 9th – January 10th

    Warning: Subject to New Politically Correct Language Police Censorship (3) Even the sports metaphors, in response to criticism of the crosshairs graphic, are about war, weapons, and violence. She's like a tormenting queen bee rather than a bully, seeing how much she can get away with. Print Yes, Jared Loughner was ‘crazy’. That doesn’t exculpate the milieu that unhinged him | Crooks and Liars Don’t Get Demoralized! Get Organized! Take Back the 20! (3) Sarah Palin's Facebook note still shows target/crosshairs graphic though website page was taken down. Whoever posts at Facebook doesn't know it's still up and being commented…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Surveying The Old Rugged Crosshairs

    If they’d only gone with the cute dartboard graphic… but that doesn’t go with “Don’t retreat, Instead – RELOAD.” Crosshairs it is! Just like those roadside surveyors use, and not like gunsights at all, not one bit. Also, too, maybe: subliminal Christian symbolism can’t hurt. A ‘SURVEYOR’S SYMBOL’?…. On March 22, the day before the Affordable Care Act became law, former half-term Gov. Sarah Palin (R) published a list of House Democrats with crosshairs, like that of a rifle scope, over their districts. A day later, she sent a message to “commonsense conservatives” and “lovers of America” — it read,…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    Can we lose the gun metaphors? Legal concealed carry worked out SO well in Arizona

    BUDA, Texas — Talk about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. Some members of the Capitol press corps took a 10-hour concealed handgun safety and shooting class this week – an exercise less about getting a weapon than getting into the Capitol. Visitors now must pass through metal detectors, virtually guaranteeing delays. But there’s an express lane for people with a concealed handgun permit. The theory, apparently, is that people licensed to pack heat have undergone a thorough background check and can be waved right through. via Straight-shooting press corps members get CHL permits for express access to Texas Capitol…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    Netroots UK: Good Luck Stormin’ The Castle

    Hope this conference went well and didn’t get bogged down in “long-winded” discussions. This Saturday we’re hosting the first annual Netroots UK conference. It brings together the new generation of left activists, working and discussing politics online, with the veteran institutions of trade unions and many more in between. The hope is that we can begin to build a new infrastructure to bring together campaigners and activists so that they can learn from each other. Our plan isn’t to have long-winded discussions, but create useful spaces where people can discuss strategy drawing on their experience of local campaigns: what works…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Linkdump: January 9th

    Make 3-D moving water in Second life The Giffords Shooting and the Palin Graphic: Almost Predictable — BagNews Giffords gestures that she is in the crosshairs Kuhner: "Republicans must wage an all-out assault on Mr. Obama’s presidency" | Media Matters for America These Are Not The Violent Extremists You Are Looking For | TBogg It doesn't matter whether Loughlan was a Tea Party activist or not; he was mentally disturbed with bizarre views he documented on YouTube. The violent rhetoric, and the Right's love of gun imagery, needs to stop. How many pictures of Sarah Palin with a gun menacing…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Sometimes A Nut Is Just A Nut, But Probably Not A Left-Wing Nut

    Confusion at Daily Kos today in the swirling aftermath of the Giffords shooting – the right-wing commenters at Palin’s Facebook page, on Twitter, and on many, many blogs have pounced on the curious case of a Daily Kos diary that criticized Rep Giffords was deleted earlier today. They were quick to howl that the diarist, a low-level member named BlueBoy whose diary didn’t get very many comments or “recs,” must be the same person as Jared Lee Loughner, the accused shooter. Well, it appears he’s not, as he’s been posting in comments threads on Daily Kos tonight. He took the…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Refudiate This, Sarah Palin

    That’s your signature on that “take back the twenty” graphic that was taken down from your site earlier today. Gabrielle Giffords knew she was one of the “targets” during the election: “We’re on Sarah Palin’s targeted list, but, the thing is, that the way that she has it depicted, has the crosshairs of a gunsight over our district. When people do that, they’ve got to realize there’s consequences to that action.” —Gabrielle Giffords on MSNBC Words matter, and so do symbols. To an unbalanced man with a gun, this is like a shopping list. Via: Flickr Title: Repudiate This, Sarah…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    As The Stupid Burns: 2 House GOPers Skip Oath, May Invalidate Today’s Dumb Votes

    Apparently the Constitution, which the 112th House of Congressional Pancakes read aloud today like any other incoming class of fourth-graders at the beginning of their Civics module, requires that the oath of office be taken by lawmakers in Congress. Two little Congressmen were so busy taking a “victory lap” with supporters that they sluffed homeroom and skipped the oath-taking ceremony, a quaint tradition that a mere frosh Congressman attended and who was duly sworn in, with an NPR reporter shadowing him for the day. The more senior members thought they knew better. Even sweeter, one of the oathskippers was anti-gay…