Oh for CHRIST’S SAKE. Yes, security is important, but security theater is impotent. An entire US Airways flight was evacuated and the pilot placed a passenger under citizen’s arrest after he refused to pull up his baggy pants, reports NBC Bay Area.According to his mother, her son initially refused, saying that his hands were full. His mother says he then went to his seat where he pulled up his pants.The airline says the passenger refused to get off the plane and that’s when the pilot placed him under arrest. He was later charged by police with trespassing, battery and resisting…
Some families in Illinois are celebrating tonight. It would be nice if a family member who lives in a group home could benefit from this decision and not have to live quite so far away… due to the extreme length of the waitlist for supportive group housing for disabled adults in Illinois, she was placed in a town several hours away from the rest of us. And maybe it wouldn’t be worth uprooting her now, but at least if it becomes necessary in the future, there may be more options for her and her immediate family. State officials will begin…
For a second there, I thought she was talking about the US economy, which is in the terlet thanks to the Bush tax CUTS and the continuing War on Women and Children, reducing aid to poor families. Taxes. It seems whether you cut them or hike them, they cause problems for everybody. A year of spending cuts and tax hikes has worsened the recession, now in its third year. The unemployment rate among young people is around 40 percent. via Greek Economic Dilemma Evolves Into Political Crisis : NPR.
Sometime next year I’ll get around to blogging about our wonderful recent vacation to the Olympic Peninsula and Seattle – one of the most fun things was dropping in on my friend Seattle Tammy at her store, Books on 7th, in Hoquiam Washington. You can even BUY BOOKS FROM THEIR ONLINE STORE, and I happen to know they just got in a big consignment of old cookery books… Turns out Hoquiam is now famous after a recent incident with a deceased member of the Family Mustelidae put them on the international news wires, and LOLmarten images went viral. “We’re not…
ThinkProgress » Blog Archive » GOP Rep. Walsh: ‘American Jews Aren’t As Pro-Israel As They Should Be’ In a Godward direction: Posthumous Rooftop Shout Rep. Joe Walsh: He’ll say anything, which is why he’s interviewed everywhere. – By David Weigel – Slate Magazine Redistricted, so now he has to run in the 14th against another thug. Colin Slee’s J’accuse | What’s in Kelvin’s Head Liberal Anglicans will mourn the death of Colin Slee | Stephen Bates | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk Depressing commentary in article discussing the implications of Slee's untimely death, long before his memo emerged. Pluralist Speaks:…
My Congressman is Rep. Joe Walsh, and he’s having a bad week. First he makes this obnoxious and cluelessly racist statement about why Obama got elected – due to “white guilt” and the ability to sound smart and educated… And then he goes on to insult American Jews who aren’t supportive enough of the State of Israel. Oy. first the Obama gaffe, then a later post with the reaction from smart, educated American Jews. “Why was he elected? Again, it comes back to who he was. He was black, he was historic. And there’s nothing racist about this. It is…
How our right-wing talkers are explained to the British by one of the Guardian’s columnists: don’t miss the bit where Michael Savage, banned from travel to Britain, whines about Obama’s ecstatic reception in Ireland. I liked this bit where BillO grouses that FOXNews don’t get no respect. It is understandable why O’Reilly would be concerned about losing advertisers in light of the recent cancellation of his colleague Glenn Beck’s show. Though no official reason was given for the programme’s cancellation, it is widely speculated that the loss of revenue resulting from the Stopbeck campaign’s call for an advertiser boycott had…
Can we expect this even if our own ultra-right is marginalized and defeated in elections? Somehow I think our racist wackos skew older, and less physically able to carry out coordinated attacks. But dang, they could sure cause traffic jams and hog all the sidewalks with their RVs and scooters. Far-right activists have attacked trade union meetings and anti-racist groups in the past month in what campaigners and politicians say is an escalating campaign of intimidation and violence. In the latest incident, a 20-strong group hurled concrete pillars, glass and rocks at a meeting on multiculturalism organised by Labour councillors…
500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error The 12 Worst (and Most Powerful) Christian Right Groups | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet Wheaton College: Alumni form group to support gays on the conservative Christian campus – chicagotribune.com 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error
500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error Hullabaloo more Alan Simpson AMERICAblog Gay: Former Republican Sen. Simpson calls out Republicans for homophobia Where is the next Teddy Roosevelt Now That Obama Has Produced His Birth Certificate, Time For Right-Wingers To Get Out Their Checkbooks « Alan Colmes’ Liberaland 500 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error