Once again, I’ve let nearly the whole vacation slip by without keeping up with blogging about it – but this time, it’s now much easier to get photos uploaded to Flickr, which act as an informal timeline of our activities. Dinner at Five Palms was very, very nice – this time we sat outside. Missed the sunset, but enjoyed the ambiance anyway. Then on Saturday, we went to the Whale Day parade and took some photos, then met up with some Twitter acquaintances (although we got a late start and missed the beginning of the parade). It was pleasant to…
Can’t believe I actually LOST 3 pounds over the Thanksgiving holiday, but I was being careful about portions on the big-ticket calorie items. Also may have missed a couple of meals working on my online creative project this week…
Some time in early August, I decided to 1) stop drinking sugary-sweet sodas 2) stop eating candy 3) start eating more healthfully and mindfully 4) start exercising at the health club at least 3 times a week. I’m not counting calories, although I’m paying more attention to portion size and varying things with more salads and vegetables than before. And I’ve lost 10 pounds – possibly 12, because I can’t remember if my starting point was 238 (ugh) or 236 (somewhat less ugh). Either way, good for me. I seem to have succeeded in making workouts part of my routine,…
Week before last I only made it to workout once, due to some schedule conflicts, so made up for it this week with 3 visits. At official weigh-in, I’m at 226. Would have been more if had been weightlifting; next week will do better.
It’s been more than a month, still working out 3-4X per week and still not eating/drinking sugary stuff. Feel great, should do weights more, but losing a steady 2 pounds per week. Weigh in on Thursdays: started at 236 (YES, I KNOW, ugh) and now at 228. Average 3o-40 mins aerobic per day. Next target acquired: below 220. PS the iPhone Public Radio app is a big help.
20 minutes on the recumbent bike, a couple of sets each on 4 weight machines (2 upper body, 2 abdominal). Gave up soda for ice water at the same time, feeling better already. BBC NEWS | Health | Apple-shaped women’s asthma risk Body mass index (BMI) has been widely used as a standard measure of obesity. But some researchers argue that waist circumference may be a more useful measure because it more closely reflects levels of visceral fat deposits found around the body’s organs. Visceral fat is metabolically different from other types of fat found in the body, and may…
Week 2 of giving up sugary drinks and most candy. Workout tonight. #fb
My husband David and I are well on the way to fogeyhood: without consulting each other’s schedules, we made doctor’s appointments for the same day within 15 minutes. He’s up first, then me. By way of illustration, I see the large-type Readers Digest has a relevant article. As you can see the Readers Digest large type edition has an article about the Things Your Doctor Isnt Telling You.
Good thing we got out to Morton Arboretum yesterday, it looks like it’ll rain all day today. We even got on the bikes to ride one of the loops although I had trouble downshifting. On the way down we listened to Car Talk and I actually submitted an answer to this week’s Puzzler via my trusty iPhone. I know why the cement mixer will get a quicker start than the dump truck, do you? Yeah, another post by iPhone. Lately it seems I use Google Reader to stay current and they recently added the ability to add notes to the…
I went to a local health and beauty spa today, Spa Martinique. I had done something to my neck yesterday – I have a history of “throwing it out” going back to childhood and later in college. I’d been thinking of finding a good local “aaaah spa,” the kind of place where you walk in the door and the atmosphere of serene calm (and the scent of expensive emollients) is designed to make you say “aaaah.” I’d been to one in Salt Lake but didn’t know if I’d have to schlep all the way downtown or not. A few days…