Lifehacker wants to know if I work from home, but they apparently don’t want me to quote their article, just comment there. So I did, but kept screwing up their sign-in screen. What’s the deal with creating a key that can’t be copied, only shown on screen as an image? Anyway, yes, I like working from home. It was particularly nice today watching the latest winter storm blow in and dump about 5 inches of snow. However, network problems made my day somewhat challenging, and as David was home today too, he had to listen to my howls of outrage…
I just backed Sir John Tavener World Premiere on @Kickstarter – my friend Debra sings with this amazing group. 2013-02-20 Choir stuff is haaaaard. 2013-02-24 At a strategic planning meeting for @StNickEpiscopal 2013-02-24 At the Marriott Lincolnshire for the "Android Lloyd Webber" revue. All the songs are about robots. 😉 2013-02-24 Hubby @fallingrock stumbled over Andrew Lloyd Webber's name and now I'm humming "Jesus Christ Supercomputer." #AndroidLloydWebber 2013-02-24
@pedzz_bd @fallingrock @mrrileycat_esq is doing pretty well, keeps bugging me for treats! in reply to pedzz_bd 2013-02-04 RT @Pathfinder Regarding the recent discovery of King Richard III's body 2013-02-05 For the record, @MrRileycat_Esq #nomnomnoms Fancy Feast Tender Beef and Liver Classic 2013-02-05 RT @firefly827347: @wilw @AnneWheaton "@9GAG: Up up and away!" 2013-02-05 @pedzz_bd We feed @MrRileycat_Esq both, he likes squooshy and crunchy both! in reply to pedzz_bd 2013-02-07 …cont) 2013-02-10 I voted! This time I had my marked up judge retention sheets from Thanks @jengrunwald for the sticker! (cont… 2013-02-10 Father Manny will bless Easter…
Dinner at La Hacienda; tried to order in Spanish, got only a weak "pass." 2013-01-29 Wow, imagine Abs at Mardi Gras! #AskPauley 2013-01-29 Made it to the vet with @MrRileycat_Esq "without incident," meaning "no TMI accidents" 2013-02-01 Another reason I dislike booking Ryanair 2013-02-01 @pedzz_bd @fallingrock Yay! Crazy cat lady and @MrRileycat_Esq are home! in reply to pedzz_bd 2013-02-01 Riley was all like "Yeah, crazy lady. Just let me out of this cage already." – [Re:] 2013-02-01
I have a two hour lunch today. What to do? Where to go? #fb 2013-01-21 Nerds Don't Need No Stinkin' Roman Numerals To Identify Star Trek Movies: My husband David and I we… 2013-01-21 Is it friggin' cold, or frickin' cold? Or both? #fb 2013-01-22 Oh boy! It's time to get my periodontal stitches out! Somehow there's no tasteful way to express my glee… 2013-01-22 My periodontal glee is complicated by the awful satellite radio playing peppy songs like "Call Me, Maybe" 2013-01-22 @colinferg Your entire existence is a spoiler, sir. 😉 2013-01-22 SNOW! Come on, stick, dang you!…
This is the mopey post showcasing my awesome command of goof that I failed to link properly before, due to my less than awesome command of Google. Unfortunately I bet it appears back on my blog, because recursion. To my fellow goofy girls: embrace your awesome. Accept yourself and accept others. Also, check the mirror, and if you think you might get teased for what you're wearing, GO BIG. Embedded Link Welcome To Invisibility, Formerly Young and Pretty Women. We Unconventional Women Hope You Enjoy Your StayWelcome To Invisibility, Formerly Young and Pretty Women. We Unconventional Women Hope You E……
If JJ Abrams directs the next Star Wars movie, I'll call it "Star Wars: We Don' Need No Steenkin' Ewoks. Embedded Link Nerds Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Roman Numerals To Identify Star Trek MoviesNerds Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Roman Numerals To Identify Star Trek Movies My husband David and I were watching a cable rerun of one of the original-cast Star Trek movies last night, because we are nerds and thus we have no life. The o My husband David and I were watching a … Google+: View post on Google+
Where are all the ancient Viking malt brewing houses? We know they drank ale; archeologists now think the "bath houses" located next to the drinking halls were actually "brew houses." So no, the Vikings were not into bathing, they were into brewing! Embedded Link Google+: View post on Google+
As the Jezebel response to the NY Mag article notes, we are all scathed. Embedded Link How to Survive High School Unscathed (Even After the Fact) How does a human being make it through high school unscathed? Short answer: You can’t. Everyone is scathed. High school is a crazy emotional Thunderdome where daffy bureaucrats put hundreds of hormona… Google+: View post on Google+
Think I did it right this time, thought link sharing was automatic if it was in the clipboard. Embedded Link Why You Truly Never Leave High School New science on its corrosive, traumatizing effects. Google+: View post on Google+