• Mini-Posts

    We also were underwhelmed by the Hobbit movie: David had to put up with my grumbling…

    We also were underwhelmed by the Hobbit movie: David had to put up with my grumbling every time something non-canonical was on screen. Smaug, though, was awesome. And terrifying. So, “Hobbit 2″ was… disappoi… | ***Dave Does the Blog So, “Hobbit 2″ was… disappointing. Not bad, but not nearly as good as I wanted it to be. Pondering how. Share!MoreGoogle+ Dave Hill View this post on Google+

  • Home Improvement - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Retail Induced Shutdown Syndrome, I’m Having It

    Errands have been run, money has been spent, stuff has been bought. Never having been a person energized by shopping, I’m taking a break at Panera. But I’ve got the solution to the Christmas tree problem in the car – this year, it’ll be out of Riley’s nomming range, on a riser that doubles as an ornament storage box. I’ve made a start on the stocking stuffers everyone gets on Christmas morning, and I’ve got David sorted. He’ll get stonkin stuffers, too, so that’s on track. I’ve got a solution for the kitty box problem; the problem is that the…

  • Clan: McTiVo

    Finally, A Good Hawaii Five-O Episode Actually About Hawaii

    My husband David and I have been watching the “new” Hawaii Five-O since it began 4 seasons ago, from episode 1. It had seemed that for several seasons now they’d been mostly doing storylines based on international terrorism and the spy-intrigue storyline in McGarrett’s mother’s past. Which frankly, bored me to sobs. I preferred the storylines where it was a Hawaiian setting, with the kind of local color and flavor that is unique to Hawaii. It seemed like they were doing the islands a disservice by only finding the big drama in the “international” arena, saving the local stories for…

  • Geek Out! - Music - Radio

    The End And The Beginning of My Virtual Life

    My iPhone died today. I’m not sure why, but it couldn’t have been good when the speaker dock I’d been using started making more squawky noises than usual – sometimes with shocklingly loud humming and buzzing that came through the speakers. It somehow managed to charge the phone where my older docks did not, but it was never a happy marriage, and David had remarked that it was unshielded, so there’d always be interference. So he’d already found a little wireless speaker called “Mini Jambox” that would be my Hannumas present, and he’s getting a GoPro. But the iPhone? It’s…

  • Mini-Posts

    My favorite saint.

    My favorite saint. In a Godward direction: Saint Nicholas Saint Nicholas of Myra is the patron of children, sailors, and pawnbrokers — as well as many another town or nation. No wonder he is considered a jolly saint, to be patron to such a jolly bunch. Many legends surround him, including calming storms, reviving pickled boys, and saving girls from … View this post on Google+

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    My. God. These look good. Embedded Link Channukah/Thanksgiving dessert: pumpkin pie filled sufganiot Sufganiot are delicious jelly donuts, covered in powdered sugar, and traditionally served in Isra… View this post on Google+

  • Mini-Posts

    I need this book.

    I need this book. Reshared post from +Al Hunt An Interview with Allie Brosh An Interview with Allie Brosh Terry Gross of NPR’s Fresh Air interviewed Allie Brosh of Hyperbole and a Half about her new book, her popular website, and her battle with depression. At one point, Gross asked her why she drew herself in such an odd fashion. ;BROSH: All right. So I draw myself with very crude illustrations in a program called Paintbrush. It’s sort of the Macintosh analog of MSPaint. And I look very funny. I’ve got these buggy eyes, and I have sort of, like,…

  • Mini-Posts

    THIS! Did this finally make my Google password permanently stored on my iPhone? My…

    THIS! Did this finally make my Google password permanently stored on my iPhone? My Feedly app has a Google Plus share button but the iPhone never remembers my password unless I have an open page in Safari on G+. Once closed, when sharing from Feedly, I'd have to re-enter. There's no way to directly add passwords in iPhone settings, but this way may work. How to fix Gmail incorrect password/user name error on iPhone? | The iPhone FAQ Here are instructions on how to fix this problem should it occur on your device: 1. Quit all mail clients that are…