One good thing to come out of the news that Bill Nye will debate the "Creationist Museum's" Ken Ham is that the old sketches from "Almost Live!" are getting play. Here's a bit called "Speed Walker" that took me on a nostalgic, but fast, stroll down Memory Lane. Heel-toe! I lived in Seattle during the show's run; it was a lot funnier than that era's Saturday Night Live was most weeks, although the humor in the best sketches depended on local knowledge. I heard that no matter who "wins" the debate, the museum benefits; makes me want to donate to…
A cold white blanket of snow covers Burbclavia; we managed to get to the gathering place to celebrate the new year with family and eat yummy chili with all the extras, and the obligatory lox ‘n bagels. My nephew Josh is in town and brought his girlfriend Ashley; FIL Shel and Linda made the trek and so did my BIL Dan and his girlfriend Tammy. Mitch and Gloria put on a really nice buffet and of course Rosie the pooch princess provided entertainment. Things got raucous (or at least very loud) when Josh showed us this crazy trivia game called…
Time for the annual Lirty Dies rendition View this post on Google+
Listening to the annual Capitol Steps show on WBEZ – check local public radio listings. We saw them live a few years ago, they're awesome. View this post on Google+
 View this post on Google+
Combined this with the simple carbonara pasta from the same site and it was an awesome winter meal. Sautéed Kale with Smoked Paprika The best sautéed kale you will ever taste. Seasoned with smoked paprika and crushed chile pepper flakes. View this post on Google+
Not too long ago, I got an email from Amazon: We’re pleased to announce that the Amazon Associates program is again open to residents of the State of Illinois. We’re now able to re-open the program because the Illinois State Supreme Court recently struck down legislation that had forced Amazon to close the program to residents of Illinois. Amazon strongly supports federal legislation like the Marketplace Fairness Act that’s now pending before Congress, which is the only constitutional way to resolve interstate sales tax collection issues. Well, now. It seems like I have to re-apply if this email is to…
Crooks and Liars, on the new Pope: They probably weren’t hired for their introspection, but it’s still a little startling when you see how little responsibility Beltway media types take for pushing austerity politics. It’s interesting, I think, that the Beltway newsreaders (and certain ultra-conservative cardinals) are so enthusiastic about Pope Francis and his concern for the poor — without a moment’s introspection about their own part in enabling the politicians and policies that somehow always benefit the members of their own class and kick poor people in the teeth. Via Crooks and Liars
Why don’t I blog anymore? Sometimes I go back looking for recipes or something and stumble across an older post and think “Damn, I can write pretty well. Why don’t I do that more?” I guess the answer is “No time, no inclination.” But we’re nearing the end of the calendar year, and I’m kind of… getting in the mood and the mindframe to write moar stuffs, and to catch up on things, and reflect. There’s a lot that I never blogged about at the time, that now I wish I’d noted down, if only to fix in my mind…
Finally got iTunes to mostly copy my music over from the laptop via an external hard drive, mostly following this method (but also having to go in and choose a folder). And scrobbling is working, too. Now to see if the new iPhone recognizes this library…