SLGo mobile app for Android – no iOS version yet, but you can sign up to be informed when it's out. View this post on Google+
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More vacation meanderings – again, this post will go live about the time we return. Wednesday, 19FEB 2014 The tradewinds dropped the last couple of days, and today, finally, it dawned clear and sunny. After some essential sitting-around-the-condo-drinking-coffee time, we packed ourselves up and went a few miles north to Kapalua Bay to snorkel for the first time this trip. I own a snorkeling guide and also found a copy of Maui Revealed in the bookshelves, so was able to identify a good first snorkel spot quickly. We’ve been to Kapalua before, and although there’s a parking lot it usually…
By the time this post goes live, we’ll be home, or almost home. On most trips, I start out declaring that I’m going to blog often and keep up to date, and then I fall off after about 2 days and never post Part II or whatever. Mostly this is because we get busier the later it gets in the trip, and partly it’s because David doesn’t think it’s a good idea to blog about not being home, because burglars or something (as if they read my blog, everyone knows my only readers are me, my sister, and a bunch…
I think I love Rogen a little, or a lot, for this. Alzheimer's affected friends and family and I think it needs A LOT of government-funded research and support for families.,0,3833816.story View this post on Google+
Saw tons of whales – thousands of tons of whales. View this post on Google+
The Ramparts will fall soon! View this post on Google+
Surfing dogs! Yay! View this post on Google+
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We recently toured the Kovler Diabetes Center after a recent American Diabetes Association volunteer appreciation event, and after seeing the labs we were both surprised to learn that researchers are kind of messy. View this post on Google+