Former child actor and current talentless hack Kirk Cameron has taken upon himself to save Christmas from Christians that he doesn’t consider to be Christian enough, and from everyone else that is of any other persuasion, too. Because only Kirk Cameron’s Christmas is the righteous, holy, and most Jesus-y one, apparently. And now with seasonal Halloween, too! Can’t wait for the inevitable Thanksgiving video, with a working title of “SATAN is at ur tabel, eatin ur turkiy,” because cognitive dissonance is always such a hoot. Like other Christianist loudmouths (and Bill O’Reilly, who’s just a loudmouth) the One True Christmas…
When I Tweeted this earlier, I had this in mind. I’ve been under a lot of stress lately; work is changing and I’m constantly trying to figure out, from minute to minute, what is the most productive thing I should be doing, as efficiently as possible. Also I’ve been somewhat tense about staying healthy for choir, because we’re recording a Christmas CD this coming weekend, but mostly it’s work. Sometimes I pretty much work myself into a screaming wobbler (not on the phone) when frustrated by something. Saturday morning I woke up feeling fine, but later in the morning…
Gaia Clary has posted in-world the following survival guide. You might miss it if you are not a member of the Blender-Avastar Group. So… Avastar 1.2 Survival Notecard ==================== * New to Avastar ? Start here: The beginners path: PLEASE go over these tutorials at least once: Here are … Continue reading » Via Nalates’ Things & Stuff
Gaia Clary has posted in-world the following survival guide. You might miss it if you are not a member of the Blender-Avastar Group. So… Avastar 1.2 Survival Notecard ==================== * New to Avastar ? Start here: The beginners path: PLEASE go over these tutorials at least once: Here are … Continue reading » Via Nalates’ Things & Stuff
Gaia Clary has posted in-world the following survival guide. You might miss it if you are not a member of the Blender-Avastar Group. So… Avastar 1.2 Survival Notecard ==================== * New to Avastar ? Start here: The beginners path: PLEASE go over these tutorials at least once: Here are … Continue reading » Via Nalates’ Things & Stuff
1. We've been everywhere, man: no, but we book people who have.2. We get free travel: not anymore, though discounts exist if you know what you're doing.3. We get commissions from airlines: not since about 1989 in the US, though some international carriers still offer it.4. We dress up in stylish outfits with ethnic accessories: not if we don't meet clients, and work from home.5. We know how much it costs to go anywhere: not unless we've got it pulled up in the GDS (booking tool of choice, AKA general distribution system). Now that I've been in corporate travel for…
These kids are just exercising their patriotic right of protest, free speech, and free thought based on the free exchange of information. For freedom, and not free dumb, so take that, wingnut edumification bored. CO Students Walk Out To Protest Wingnut Plan To Censor History Curriculum The new wingnut school board members don’t know much about history. Read at Google+
It's recyclable too. He's so green. Â Read at Google+
Bomb squad called after dog reacted to suspicious bag. Read at Google+
It's my birthday, and ERMAGERD, WERKING. Read at Google+