These poor passengers on Etihad were held on the plane for 12 hours during a fog delay at Abu Dhabi before taking off for a long flight to San Francisco. That's more than 12 hours in the air, too. Not only did they run out of food, the toilets must have been shocking. Passengers stuck on Etihad plane for 28 hours after fog delays flight Hundreds of passengers endure 12 hours on tarmac and complain of lack of food and information Read at Google+
… but then it quickly gets dismal and slushy. However, if there's enough new snow next week, we might be able to go cross-country skiing, so there's that. More snow expected to follow crashing temperatures Temperatures will plummet to dangerously low levels overnight as snowstorms that began overnight are expected to dump up to 6 inches of snow in some parts of northern Illinois by the time they finish Tuesday morning. Read at Google+
The white bike in the photo is the memorial to Palermo, it's a "ghost bike." Baltimore cyclists ride to honor Tom Palermo and to advocate for bike safety In Baltimore yesterday, cyclists turned out for a remembrance ride in honor of Tom Palermo, who was killed while out… Read at Google+
I'm seeing more of these kinds of stories in my feed, and given that I'm trying to eat better and control my newly-diagnosed diabetes with diet and exercise, I'll be discussing this with my doctor. Actually, something to do with inflammatory stuff would make sense, as I suspect I'm pretty much inflamed all the time (I'm a redhead, that's sort of a joke). Is depression a kind of allergic reaction? Caroline Williams: A growing number of scientists are suggesting that depression is a result of inflammation caused by the body’s immune system Read at Google+
The cool kid early adopters for bike gear are the serious cyclists; until this (admittedly great) idea comes in a small, ultralight model compatible with the various prioprietary clip systems, only urban bike hipsters will buy it. The Best Bike Pedal Is One That Catches Thieves Your bike pedals are boring. These one is not. This one has built-in motion sensors, a cellular radio and a GPS tracker to let you know the instant your bike becomes a target, and help you find it afterwards. And if you’ve got built-in motion sensors and GPS, why not let those pedals act…
… but no, it's CES2015 apparently, so almost a parody. A Self-Adjusting Smart Belt: Yes, It’s Come to This You can keep your 4K TVs and your autonomous puppy dog drones. The Belty promises to have a greater impact on humanity than even the wheel. It’s the world’s first smart belt featuring an electric-powered motor built into the buckle that automatically loosens the strap when you sit down, and then tightens the belt again when you stand up to head off any Benny Hill-esque pant droppings. Read at Google+
Last Friday, my doctor’s office called with a terse message. It wasn’t my own physician, it was one of the assistants. “Your A1C was 6.6, and your blood glucose was 220. You’re diabetic.” She went on to say that I’d need to come in for a follow-up appointment with a different doctor and speak with a diabetic counseling nurse; for some reason my own doctor wasn’t available (probably booked up) and so I’d have to see the practice on-call doc on the night the specialist nurse was in. I was handed a free kit, with a scrip for more test…
Just received an email that as of January 1 2015, there are changes to the Affiliates program. Apparently the only change is that Jewelry has been removed entirely as a category under the Affiliates program. All the other percentages (I guess you’d call them sales commissions) remain the same.
thanks for the Cybersecurity bill, GOP! Oh, Wait… Remember When Republicans Filibustered The Cybersecurity Bill? You might remember, but they’ve forgotten. Read at Google+
NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio, for "Associating with Provocateurs." As Crooks and Liars points out, he DIDN'T call for any resignations after those two wackjobs in Vegas spent time with Clive Bundy, then shot cops. With these guys, if they can't elect a Republlican, they always call for the Democrat to resign or be impeached, because in their heads, they can't lose and the election was rigged against them. If they can elect a Republican and it was hotly contested, you should wonder whether the election was rigged the other way, whether by gerrymandering, caging, or worse means. It's my theory…