So glad this guy got booted out after just one term, and now the IL-08 district is reliably blue. Why is it that when Dems leave office, they disappear? When Republicans get bounced, they go on talk shows or create their own. Joe Walsh, a radical Tea Party congressman who was voted out of office after one term amid a variety of financial problems and has since become a right-wing radio host, is none too pleased about Presi Source: Former Rep. Joe Walsh: Obama Is An ‘Arrogant, Immature, Anti-American Ass!’
Goddamit, Google, not again. You’re retiring yet another essential productivity tool!! Since the launch of Google Photos, we’ve had a lot of questions around what this means for the future of Picasa. After much thought and consideration, we’ve decided to retire Picasa over the coming months in order to focus entirely on a single photo service in Google Photos. We believe we can create a much better experience by focusing on one service that provides more functionality and works across mobile and desktop, rather than divide our efforts across two different products. Via Googleblog: “Moving On From Picasa” I grumble…
G+: As a beginning Blender user, I've struggled with the concepts but managed to produce some low-poly mesh bunting for #MardiGras in #SecondLife. The hardest thing right now is keeping materials and textures in the right order and remembering to assign green apples to green apples, and oranges to oranges. Currently alphabetical order matters with materials so it might be smart to rename any assigned textures in Blender in the same alphabetical order. Unfortunately, I am not that organized so it was a carnival of blunders until I got it sorted. These "bunting banners" could be even lower poly so…
Workaround for Universal Scrobbler: I listen to a LOT of music via Internet radio streams,… 2016-01-10 Today and Yesterday and a couple of days after tomorrow: Today my husband David and I got together … 2016-01-10 Godspeed, David Bowie. I'm feeling shocked and bereft. 2016-01-11 RT @DavidBowieReal: January 10 2016 – David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle… http… 2016-01-11 Listening to Internet streams playing #Bowie today. 2016-01-11 Listening to radio streams playing #Bowie. Lyrics keep jumping out: "I am a DJ. I am what I play." #Bowieisms…
G+: Originally shared by +Dave Hill: "It's the advice I always give" It’s the advice I always give Maybe I should put this in my medical directive. View on Google+ Share!Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Share on Facebook (Opens in ne… Read at Google+
G+: ♫ "David Bowie – Dead Man Walking (Moby Mix 2 US Promo 12") – 05:22" on A_A Bowie (Tunemark Radio) Yes, this weird. Read at Google+
G+: ♫ "David Bowie – Blackstar " on Polygon of Voracious Audio (Tunemark) ♫ "David Bowie – Blackstar " on Polygon of Voracious Audio (Tunemark) #SomethingHappenedOnTheDayHeDied Read at Google+
G+: ♫ "David Bowie – Space Oddity" on Devil's Night Radio! (Tunemark) listening all day to ♫ "David Bowie – Space Oddity" on Devil's Night Radio! (Tunemark) listening all day to #Bowie, very little repetition Read at Google+
G+: David Bowie: No Longer Changing … and the world is poorer for it. Read at Google+
RT @Oregonian: The Bundy family vows to occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge HQ near Burns for years https:/… 2016-01-03 If You're Young, Here's Why Old Bernie Sanders Looks Good: Young voters, please read: 2016-01-04 Robert Llewellyn's Amazing Underwater Solar Powered Electric Car: Expect @bobbyllew to fix a typo… 2016-01-04 Ask @bobbyllew about his amazing underwater solar powered electric car – 2016-01-04 Also wondering what @bobbyllew thought of Pres. Obama's recent joyride with that unoriginal comedian. 2016-01-04 Hey, #PeppyEpiphany, everyone, let's lighten things up. #Episcopal 2016-01-06 @ExpanseSyfy yes, I want to play with those ship…