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    Tweetly Weeks

    Goodbye, @SenatorKirk. If you support Drumpf, you should be dumped. https://t.co/1Io0SNANGV 2016-03-13 So, voting happened. 2016-03-15 Watching #Tonightly and laughing at Trump doubling down on the dumb. Don't elect Dumblemore, kids! 2016-03-15 This helps bring the national discourse back up to an adult level. https://t.co/2Wwq3STIwA 2016-03-15 @larrywilmore You've seen this, right? https://t.co/2Wwq3STIwA 2016-03-15 Oh my! Some election results are pretty good in Illinois…. 2016-03-15 RT @Stonekettle: You don't got Little Marco to kick around anymore! <kicks dirt. Stomps off> Bitches 2016-03-15 RT @EdwardGLuce: Never has so much money been spent by so many candidates to such little effect. Pol consultants…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    RIP Nancy Reagan. I expect at least one GOP candidate will use the funeral and/or entombment for unseemly photo ops. 2016-03-06 Because: RT @FoxNews Nancy Reagan will be buried at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library…https://t.co/atNP7KL0Vd https://t.co/H7BgjmOT5b 2016-03-06 Spy Magazine called it first: #ShortFingeredVulgarian #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain 2016-03-07 Sweating it out. Our new cat Pearl undergoes a dental procedure today. We just got her Saturday, pick her back up later today. 2016-03-07 Buddy Foundation works with local vets to provide medical and dental care for adoptsble pets that https://t.co/sLjCrYMvgD cant provide. 2016-03-07 When we adopted Pearl her chart said "dental." Hope its just…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Schaumburg: Are You Missing… A Tree?

    Local woman pulled over in Roselle with a tree stuck in the hood of her car, tells police she noticed it after driving through Schaumburg. A woman was charged with driving under the influence in January in northwest suburban Roselle after she was pulled over with a tree trunk stuck in the hood of her car.The woman was pulled over around 11:10 p.m. Jan. 23 on Central Avenue after police received a call about a vehicle driving with a tree embedded in the grille, according to Roselle Deputy Chief Roman Tarchala. She was charged with driving under the influence after failing…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    my diabetes journey: Currently 194.16 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-02-28 I wore Crocs to see the awesome Deadpool movie. Don't judge me. Hashtag #Clueless 2016-02-28 RT @RealDonalDrumpf YUUUGE. Classy. I like it. #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain https://t.co/5RbIhZRbbq 2016-02-29 Can nearsighted parrot ex-banker @iamjohnoliver turn GOP triumphalism into GOP Drumpfalism? #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain 2016-02-29 What are the principle of Drumpfalism, anyway? Please forward research and speculation to @iamjohnoliver 2016-02-29 RT @kfury: I'm starting to use "Make [x] Great Again" in everyday life. Last weekend's goal was "Make the Garage Great Again". 2016-02-29 @kfury I like that. I'm going to make folding…

  • Uncategorical Weirdness

    Donald Drumpf Throws Tantrum, Film At Eleven

    First of all, just because of the best damn Chrome extension since ever, I’m using Chrome. Second of all, Drumpf threw another tantrum. Again? But because of that extension, I am pleased to quote: Donald Drumpf is throwing a tantrum and threatening to run as a third-party candidate for president because the Republican Party and Marco Rubio are being mean to him. I’m more and more convinced that he’s tapped Christie as his most likely VP choice and exit strategy. He shakes things up, gets bored or mad, and quits after being nominated (or God help us, elected) and Christie…

  • Mini-Posts

    De-Clutter To De Stress?

    G+: De-Clutter To De Stress? Well, I do need to make positive healthy changes: "But if your home design stresses you out, then you may need to control some of the stress-inducing circumstances that are controlling your environment. Why not create a homey paradise right in your own home? As you read on, think how these five ways can help you transform your blab stressful home environment into a paradise that you wake up to each day." Read at Google+

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    Tweetly Weeks

    Recall Mitch McConnell, and get someone to do his job. 2016-02-23 The @HuffPost's Politics section: Editor's note: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, birther and bully… 2016-02-24 Every @HuffPost politics story adds this. Because we nobody wants a serial lying racist misogynist xenophobe birther bully as President. 2016-02-24 Apparently the American electorate are rilly big fans of The Apprentice? 2016-02-24 Is this an election or sweeps? It's all about the ratings, ad revenue, and overnights any more. 2016-02-24 RT @LentMadness: Today in the Saintly Smackdown it's Sojourner Truth against Soren Kierkegaard. Vote now! https://t.co/j6J9jBd7Yv 2016-02-24 No,…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Radio

    NPR Listeners Comfort A Dying Man Who Tried To Stop The Challenger Disaster

    David and I listened to this follow up story Thursday on the retired Thiokol engineer who tried to stop the Challenger disaster, and had a parking lot moment of our own. We were meeting Dad and Linda (my father-in-law Sheldon and Shel’s girlfriend Linda) for dinner. As the story ended, we listened, pausing before getting out of the car. NPR listeners evidently had their own driveway or parking lot moments, and responded quickly to the original story. It’s nice to report so many acts of kindness to try to comfort a dying man. After NPR reported Bob Ebeling’s story on…

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    PHX lunch stop (@ Hookmeup Gourmet Sandwiches) on #Yelp https://t.co/EMC7QaPC42 2016-02-14 Hookmeup Gourmet Sandwiches on #Yelp: Great sandwiches with natural ingredients, extensive meat and veggie options.… https://t.co/tME8J1IUSr 2016-02-14 Moving On From Picasa? WTH, Google?: Goddamit, Google, not again. You're retiring yet another essen… https://t.co/K65KeeBRtB 2016-02-14 Cant I just stay in the hot shower? Its the only place my allergies and congestion are better. 2016-02-17 Fabulous place! (@ Kingfisher Bar & Grill) on #Yelp https://t.co/Sbyi0NTh3S 2016-02-18 One Term Wonder Joe Walsh: Who's The Ass Again?: So glad this guy got booted out after just one ter… https://t.co/PIAW2qHI05 2016-02-19