G+: New Bike Bridge Over I-90 Spring 2017 This is VERY exciting! "The project includes the construction of a bike path and bridge along the west side of Roselle Road between Hillcrest Boulevard and the north side of Central Road, connecting with the existing bike path in the Paul Douglas Forest Preserve. The project includes an off street bike path, a bike bridge located over Central Road, and connection to a new bike path being built along the north side of Central Road on the Sunstar property." Village of Schaumburg CIP – Dashboard Project Description. The project includes the construction…
G+: Top Gear: Of Course We'll Watch Chris Evans says tabloid Top Gear criticism was ‘perfect storm’ Chris Evans says tabloid Top Gear criticism was ‘perfect storm’ | Media | The Guardian BBC2 motoring show host calls press claims ‘facile and fictitious’ and says he is hoping more than 5 million tune in for Sunday’s relaunch Read at Google+
G+: Neanderthal Built Structures Deep In Cave Pretty intriguing – and possibly extremely old. Neanderthal stone ring structures found in French cave – BBC News Researchers investigating a cave in France have identified mysterious stone rings that were probably built by Neanderthals. Read at Google+
G+: Severe thunderstorms bearing down on Chicago area Severe thunderstorms bearing down on Chicago area…earlier today, so no bike ride for me. Severe thunderstorms bearing down on Chicago area Potentially severe weather is bearing down on Chicago on Wednesday afternoon, with the area under an elevated risk of severe storms this evening. Read at Google+
my diabetes journey: Currently 190.4 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-05-15 Playing with Withings scale. Uneven surface, or pushing down on supports while standing, will affect the reading. 2016-05-20 Last Sunday it was 190.5 2016-05-20 my diabetes journey: Currently 196.31 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-05-20 Just now I braced myself against furniture while weighing: lost 30 pounds! The real weigh-in will be Sunday. #FGAA 2016-05-20
G+: Grr, waiting for CN to sign off on this bike path project! "A key connection that would complete a largely off-road bike trail from the Northwest suburbs to Elgin is being held up because the Canadian National has not signed off on using part of its right of way, Hoffman Estates officials say. The connection, 2.4 miles long and crossing under the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway in western Hoffman Estates, has been envisioned for more than 20 years." Hoffman Estates waits for CN to sign off on bike trail A key connection that would complete a largely off-road bike…
Well, this is frustrating – I cannot seem to order these bike lights, no matter what browser or credit card I use. I’ve been in contact with them and they see my attempts on their logs, but I can’t seem to get it to work on their site no matter how carefully I check the information. One of the latest and most innovative safety equipment for cyclists if the patented battery-free bike lights from Reelight. With Reelight cyclist always have light on their bicycles – day and night. The light is based on the electrodynamic induction principle and generates its…
my diabetes journey: Currently 192.87 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-04-10 my diabetes journey: Currently 193.21 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-04-10 my diabetes journey: Currently 193.08 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-04-10 my diabetes journey: Currently 192.83 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-04-11 Check out my 26.1Â mi ride on Strava. https://t.co/bdK5hulw5y https://t.co/bdK5hulw5y 2016-04-16 Check out my 14.9Â mi ride on Strava. https://t.co/gbuO6jo22m https://t.co/gbuO6jo22m 2016-04-16
This article on The Chainlink hits all the points. THIS is what anti-bike civic planners need to read. Most of All, Cyclists Want a Safe Place to Ride Rest assured we don’t like cars barreling down on us any more than drivers want cyclists slowing them down. All we ask for is a situation where motorists and cyclists can peacefully coexist, and arrive at our respective destinations without getting in each other’s way. Bike Paths Don’t Cut It for Practical Transportation Imagine if your roads went like two miles and then just abruptly ended at some random grassy field. It…
Listening to @NPR coverage of #Brussels today. Courage to all there. 2016-03-22 Also will listen to #PresidentObama address from Cuba. The Cubans will see/hear him too. We will listen together. #HolaCuba 2016-03-22 @KerriMPR Interested to hear. I'm in corp travel so this news is very troubling. in reply to KerriMPR 2016-03-22 @xeni Has Shouty McTinyhands given his inscrutable opinion yet? Did you see the WashPost ed. Board piece? in reply to xeni 2016-03-22 I can't believe we could elect a glorified condo sales hack to the highest office in the land. #DrumpfOnChina https://t.co/b5a8d2mO0X 2016-03-22 Obama on human rights: is this…