G+: Sore Winner Syndrome It's not enough that Trump won. Only total submission to the Cult of Trump will placate his most rabid supporters. Therefore, RESIST. Assert your right to your opinion. Defend truth, uphold reality, claim the normal high ground. This administration won't be normal. “Sore winner” syndrome: Why are Donald Trump’s supporters still so angry? Abraham Lincoln understood They won the battle, but the war’s not over — and in their hearts they know they’ve surrendered to ugliness Read at Google+
How's this going to play in Provo, eh @Patbagley ? https://t.co/B59UamDxtJ 2016-11-23 RT @MoodyLoner: A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump https://t.co/2qQxbuog0h… 2016-11-23 @MoodyLoner @MotherJones Will it go anywhere? Probably not. 2-3 years from now, we'll be linking back and going "ZOMG!!!!" in reply to MoodyLoner 2016-11-23 @mmfa Nazi, Nazi, go away, come again some other deeply divisive election where the popular vote exceeds the Electoral College vote. in reply to mmfa 2016-11-23 Husband is planning to bake 3 pumpkin pies, taking only 2 to family gathering. The first pie is…
We rode, we ate lunch, we rode back, and then we went to Thanksgiving dinner.
G+: I should keep this link on "speedpost" in reply to anyone citing George Soros as the Big Liberal Puppetmaster I should keep this link on "speedpost" in reply to anyone citing George Soros as the Big Liberal Puppetmaster. The Return Of The All-Purpose Wingnut Bogeyman I have decided to take a little break from rolling around in the enormous piles of cash that George Soros keeps sending me each and ever… Read at Google+
A nifty site that aggregates online radio, including some of my favorites, and scrobbles to Last.fm. www.scrobblealong.com
G+: In A Red State Of Mind Sometimes, driving just a hundred miles downstate is sort of creepy. An Insider’s View: The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America In deep-red white America, the white Christian God is king. Read at Google+
We rode bikes in Hawaii and tried to pretend winter wasn't coming.
G+: How's That Swamp-Draining Thing Going To Help You? Not that much, really. 📰 How long before the white working class realizes Trump was just scamming them? He hasn’t even taken office yet, and the broken promises are piling up. Read at Google+
RT @SenatorDurbin: 84 new citizens from 30 countries. Incredible photos from @pjstar of new Illinoisans taking the oath of citizenship at t… 2016-11-18 RT @JonHutson: Trump mulls Santa Clara's massive foam blob as possible Secretary of State. Well, it is yuge, unrestrained, and White. So Ba… 2016-11-18 @wilw I n+1 that from our recent trip. https://t.co/AAW1Shw0p7 in reply to wilw 2016-11-18 @Hesiod2k11 @New_Narrative @AP Yeah, I'm in travel. Can't wait for the irate callers whose flights are stacked up due to air traffic in reply to Hesiod2k11 2016-11-18 RT @ESQPolitics: Here's something we learned today –Susan Collins doesn't care about…
Could someone from @Nike please clarify if these products are Ivanka Trump branded or promoted? https://t.co/GTegMhfHgq #GetYourWallet 2016-11-10 Dear @zappos – if you carry Ivanka Trump products, I'm not buying from you. #GrabYourWallet 2016-11-10 That's so convenient. https://t.co/BKcAH6elsJ 2016-11-10 RT @MSNBC: Women's reproductive rights brace for fight https://t.co/mMJWwZ76hf https://t.co/BghuHNDhWE 2016-11-10 @pattonoswalt @ExpanseSyfy @blastr Yeah. Need to know what happens next. Yes, books; want to see it. in reply to pattonoswalt 2016-11-10 RT @washingtonpost: "Al Gore offers to work with Trump on climate change. Good luck with that." https://t.co/3w5uUhkM89 2016-11-10 @chrislhayes That's fine, I'm going left-left. in reply to chrislhayes 2016-11-10…