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    Air Travel May Be Even Worse In Trump'Merica, according to The Guardian

    G+: Air Travel May Be Even Worse In Trump'Merica, according to The Guardian "Airlines become more unbearable every year, and every year, people like me write fist-shaking essays about the madness of it all. I’d rather get rolled down a hill in a tire at this point than fly during Christmas. At least the inside of the tire doesn’t smell as bad as the men’s bathroom at LAX." Think airlines can’t make flying any worse? Think again | Dave Schilling | Opinion | The Guardian Read at Google+

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    Leveraged to the hilt

    G+: Leveraged to the hilt "It's entirely possible that the whole thing is a sham and that he actually needs the boys to sell "the President Brand" in order to keep his alleged empire afloat. It always stuck me a suspicious that any billionaire would need to sell steaks and an airport conference room scam like Trump University. It doesn't make sense. A billion dollars works for itself. You don't have to do anything to become richer. Why would you get involved in a penny ante scheme like that — or any of the penny ante real estate "branding" deals…

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    No, @CNN I don't think we get a do-over vote

    G+: No, @CNN I don't think we get a do-over vote It's tempting to jump all over this and holler "Whoo HOO, we're saved," but the proof will never be found and would never be conclusive enough to convince anyone on the Right. Ex-CIA operative: We may need a new vote – CNN Video Former CIA Operative Robert Baer says if the CIA can prove that Russia interfered with the 2016 election then the US should vote again. Read at Google+

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    G+: Treason Treason. War With Russia Isn’t The Issue. Treason Is. Let’s all stay focused on the real problem here, okay? Read at Google+

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    The RetroGrouch Notes The One Percenters Are Taking Over

    G+: The RetroGrouch Notes The One Percenters Are Taking Over Even in the sport of cycling, the elites are starting to run the show. It used to be a leg up for working class and middle class athletes, but bikes and bike builders are more and more becoming luxury items. +++++++++++Louis Vuitton Buys Pinarello Louis Vuitton Buys Pinarello I’ll bet a lot of Retrogrouch readers remember this: Or this: And almost certainly this: And even though there’s nothing even remotely retro-grouchy about it, even the young ones probably remember this: Well – as Nobe… Read at Google+

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    This Space For Sale Or Rent After January 20, 2017

    G+: This Space For Sale Or Rent After January 20, 2017 The Presidential press schedule comes out on Saturdays and notes press pool assignments and upcoming events for the week ahead. I don't think it's going to be the same after the Trump regime is installed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Obama guidance, press schedule Dec. 10, 11, 2016. The week ahead Obama guidance, press schedule Dec. 10, 11, 2016. The week ahead Read at Google+

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    Your vocabulary word of the day: Kakistocracy

    G+: Your vocabulary word of the day: Kakistocracy Your vocabulary word of the day: Kakistocracy Hullabaloo HOME. Digby’s Hullabaloo 2801 Ocean Park Blvd. Box 157. Santa Monica, Ca 90405. Facebook: Digby Parton Twitter: @digby56 @Gaius_Publius @BloggersRUs (Tom Sullivan) @spockosbrain emails: Digby: thedigbyblog at gmail. Dennis: satniteflix at gmail. Gaius: publius.gaius at gmail Read at Google+

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    Another GOP Senator Denies America

    G+: Another GOP Senator Denies America Another GOP Senator Denies America Top Senate Republican dismisses importance of Russian interference with presidential election Sen. Cornyn’s reaction? There’s no news here. Read at Google+

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    MIssed this before

    G+: MIssed this before Donald Trump does not give a tepid damn about women's issues. He's so bored by it, he blew off the highest ranking woman in Congress and had her speak to Ivanka. "When Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader of the House of Representatives, called Donald J. Trump shortly after the Nov. 8 election, they talked about domestic policy and infrastructure. But when Ms. Pelosi raised the specific subject of women’s issues, the president-elect did something unexpected: He handed the phone over to another person in the room — his 35-year-old daughter, Ivanka." Will Ivanka Trump Be the…