For the first time in forever, we will soosh tonight.
G+: 25 Hilarious Memes That Will Upgrade Your Caturday Useful: Also, this cat appears to be a member of #TheResistance – recovering from last night's news dump. 25 Hilarious Memes That Will Upgrade Your Caturday – Crafted from the finest Internets. Read at Google+
The Eagle and The Swan Yes, people are doing serious science. The photographs are a welcome side benefit. APOD: 2017 August 24 – The Eagle and The Swan A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation. Read at Google+
Any headline beginning "Trump Makes A Mess" is fine, but is a distraction from Any headline beginning "Trump Makes A Mess" is fine, but is a distraction from #TrumpRussia Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon In just nine days, President Donald Trump might have badly hobbled Arizona Republicans headed into a competitive Senate race and hurt his own re-election… Read at Google+
Here’s a pocketful of links, stacked up for easy viewing. Flickr: Repository of Resistance Memes: A really useful collection of Resistance memes, many were used in a recent “tweetstorm Google doc created by Jhamel. – by Honey DemForce – Tags: politics, theresistance, trump – CaptainsLog2017 on Twitter – by Herr Trump in, CaptainsLog2017 ??, Scarlet Witch 2017 ? – Tags: trump – CaptainsLog2017 on Twitter PHX pics: #PhoenixRally pics thread – by East Coast, Deb, Dani G, Vicki Ringer, Dracula’s Spatula, Eric DeBlackmere, Kenny J #Resist, Cynthia Pease, Mrir, C Barker Congdon, CaptainsLog2017 ??, Scarlet Witch 2017 ?…
We are the Wall. We are a chorus of many voices. #WeAreTheWall
Detailed View of a Solar Eclipse Corona There was a lot of intense science being done. That the observation was beautiful is secondary. APOD: 2017 August 13 – Detailed View of a Solar Eclipse Corona A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation. Read at Google+
G+: Milky Way over Chilean Volcanoes Useful: Sometimes, you have to contemplate the infinite. APOD: 2017 August 21 – Milky Way over Chilean Volcanoes A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation. Read at Google+
Here’s a pocketful of links, stacked up for easy viewing. GOP senator unsure if Trump will be 2020 nominee: Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) told MSNBC that she was unsure whether President Donald Trump would be the party’s presidential nominee in 2020. – Tags: politics – Jeh Johnson: Confederate Statues Are ‘Neo-Nazi Rallying Points’: Martha Raddatz filled in on ABC’s “This Week” charged with the arduous task of eliciting some semblance of logic from Jerry Falwell Junior’s rationalizing of Trump’s deplorable defense of White Nationalists, KKK members and Neo-Nazis. – by Leftofcenter – Tags: politics – Angry Trump Grilled…
 Word is that the bridge construction may start next year, complete the year after. This will make Tour de Cure routing interesting! LSource: Pedestrian bridge over Fox River in Aurora in spotlight – Aurora Beacon-News