Browse the best of our ‘NAFO / North Atlantic Fella Organization’ image gallery and vote for your favorite! — Read on
OMG it’s working… Scene from a woodland walk This image should be resized as a 800px wide PNG, if I did this right. I’ve never bothered to use the Shortcuts feature on the iPhone but I encountered a problem with an oversized image. Easily Resize Your Photos With This Simple iOS Shortcut — Read on
At approximately 1020am this morning, I was sitting in a CVS Pharmacy getting a Moderna Covid19 bivalent booster vaccine, along with a flu shot. Within 3 hours, I was having the weirdest, semi-conscious, somewhat lucid dream of my life. I may be needing tea and sympathy tomorrow if, by some reports, the second day is the kicker. Because we’re Team Moderna here, I had been looking at the various pharmacy sites ever since the new boosters were approved by the CDC, trying to find Moderna vaccine available near me. Once again I had to go pretty far afield to find…
I’ve been a listener since stumbling into a Second Life group that used to host listing parties online during the Bush-W Administration. Do check out their Patreon!
Homescapes is a video game for smartphones and tablets that’s designed to remove money from your wallet, time from your day, and you from engagement with everything else that’s going on in your life. It’s a match-3 type of game, very similar to Bejeweled (which I used to like a lot) or Candy Crush. It has levels to pass, and to break up the repetitiveness, it’s also an exploration, makeover, redesign game. There are periodic events where you compete head to head, within your team, or against other teams. There are also “seasons” lasting about 4 weeks where you are…
It’s been a long time since I logged in to write a new blog post… Some things have changed, some things remain the same. It’s unchanged that when I get frustrated, I ragequit or stop doing something to make the frustration go away. So when WordPress for example, has big changes, I don’t want to even start my desktop, laptop, iPad, or iPhone to start a post. If it’s frustrating, I tweet, because gratification must not be delayed. I got a new iPhone recently… this is frustrating because Apple and I have a history. A history where I have an…
The only way for the party to regain traction in rural places is by running strong campaigns in districts that usually back Republicans. — Read on The future of America depends on young organizers connecting with rural voters. We liberals have forgotten the maxim: “All politics are local.”
Masks for singers: design specializations for breathability, filtration, fit and acoustics based on the science of singing, particles & COVID. — Read on Someone at church contracted Covid during Holy Week; we’ve relaxed mask requirements, but now that seems risky. Especially for those of us in the choir, and though we have “singers’ masks,” they’re not very good. Meanwhile, infection rates are trending upward, a young family member tested positive, and an older family member has an upper respiratory infection (not Covid). It seems to me that we’ll see a summer spike as people attend large events – we’re…
He also indicated that CDC could operate more effectively “if the public health agency was independent,” based on his experience in the Trump Administration. — Dr Robert Redfield, former CDC director — Read on
Quilting Inspiration: I’m not ready to invest in quilting rulers to make these elaborate stitching designs. But this pattern just gave me a brainstorm about my next project: a table runner and set of placemats, with a self-binding and mitred corners – the top is patterned and folds over to the back, and they would be reversible. This project will give you creative practice with your Westalee Design Ruler Foot Starter and Sampler Template Sets. — Read on