In this episode of CNN’s digital series, “History Refocused,” Nicquel Terry Ellis outlines the anti-abortion movement’s historical links to White supremacy and how the overturning of Roe v. Wade has reopened a conversation about racial equality. — Read on
Like #SteveBenen I also wonder why Trump never misses a chance to boost Putin while dragging the country that rejected him in the 2020 election. What happened in #Helsinki – and why has the US translator never spoken out? Trump took the notes, but why? Is it merely a minor embarrassment or a major scandal that Trump wants buried? With this in mind, it stands to reason that the former president, who went to almost comical lengths to make Putin happy while in office, would go out of his way not to appeal beholden to the Russian, especially in the…
The Manhattan DA revives the inert “hush money” case against TFG, and this little detail will never fail to make me snicker like a schoolgirl. I’m sure AG of The Daily Beans podcast will happily dust off her Pecker jokes! The Times reported on Monday that witness David Pecker, former publisher of the National Enquirer, a tabloid that helped broker the deal with Daniels, was seen entering a building in Lower Manhattan where the grand jury has been empaneled. — Read on
Reminded of these important details, which utterly discredited the point he was foolishly trying to make, Jordan — who grinned as the “Meet the Press” host presented him with accurate information — proceeded as if he hadn’t heard a word Todd said.
We didn’t book Flybe for the accounts I’m on, but when I used to support a UK-based company – and I’m not surprised at all. The regional airline Flybe has ceased trading and cancelled all its scheduled flights, leaving passengers stranded and hundreds of crew without jobs. Customers advised not to go to airport and to contact their booking agent — Read on
I did manage to bake some decent bread, every few weeks. But it’s not easy.
“A lot of rocks can seem like they’re meteorites, but they’re not,” she said. “We call these meteor-wrongs.”
I can’t wait to watch Eugene Levy cringe and then relax into seeing the world.
The Guardian takes notice of Mastodon. The new social network with its interconnected ‘fediverse’ is a welcome alternative to blustering rival Twitter and Elon Musk — Read on
Loud booing. Animated conversations in the aisles of the House chamber. Sleeping children. Lawmakers scrolling on their phones. — Read on