We’re both trying to avoid spending money at stores that support the Trumpist regime. Looking for a listing of retailers to support as well as a list of retailers who deserve to be boycotted. “A new poll also found that four in 10 Americans have shifted spending to align with moral views in recent months” Link: A quarter of US shoppers have dumped favorite stores over political stances
This is one of several local quilt guilds near me. There’s a closer one, but may be more traditional and also trend older than me. “About NSQG Established in 1979, the Northwest Suburban Quilters Guild now celebrates more than 40 years! We are a group of passionate quilters dedicated to fostering the art of quilting in all of its various forms. Join us today!” Link: Northwest Suburban Quilters Guild
The most venerable Dems are the most vulnerable, and some need to be encouraged to retire, or risk being primaried. Case in point: Dick Durbin.