Seth Abramson over on thinks everyone needs to run, not walk, to the lifeboats. I also added that link to the mini posts column to the right, since it’s easier to grab the link via WordPress’ “publish or draft post via share sheet” option.
Another story that’s been making the rounds on is the one about the steps you need to take to lock down your Twitter account and get your data. I had already downloaded my data but missed the window for grabbing it. I’m considering requesting it again before the end of the year and sunsetting my Twitter accounts, but Seth’s warning has added a note of urgency.
I’m using both and Mastodon and liking both for different reasons. Post is still in beta, while Mastodon has been around long enough to have useful WordPress logins and an actual APP that formats well on both the iPhone and iPad – it’s especially nice on the tablet screen in landscape mode. I’m waiting for Post to catch up on the features side before coming to any kind of decision about committing to one or the other.
So currently I have a foot in each lifeboat, so to speak, and although it’s a bit precarious, it all seems to be working. It’s a bit awkward having to manually repost everything to, but I could see hanging out there to do the blabbity news commenting and hanging out on Mastodon for more entertainment and community-building social interaction, since this blog now autoposts there.
Both of them have their strengths and weaknesses as social media platforms – and both thus far are clear of trollish minions. Twitter, though, soon will be flooded with enthusiastic wannabe shitlords acting like huge flocks of soiled budgies flying out of people’s lavatories, infringing on people’s personal freedoms.
Probably best to start paddling the lifeboats somehow, or doing that thing from Mythbusters with the awkward aquatic shoes.