Disgraced former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich rang in the new year by penning an editorial for a conservative website arguing that current House Democrats who have impeached President Donald Trump also would have tried to impeach Abraham Lincoln. — Read on www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-rod-blagojevich-abraham-lincoln-donald-trump-impeachment-20200102-6xsmxdh3dfhcharumgncizgpna-story.html
How coincidental! Secure trademarks first, then impose tariffs! Trump’s Argentina trademarks are not the first time that the Trump family’s trademarks ran up against American foreign policy. — Read on www.citizensforethics.org/trump-argentina-trademarks/
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There’s a lot to do this year; the house needs work, my health needs work, and the entire country is afflicted with a man-baby sized cyst that needs to be electorally excised.