5 Political Links Mon Dec 11 21 21:59:13 2017

Here’s a pocketful of links, stacked up for easy viewing.

Alabama Farmer Who Lost Gay Daughter To Suicide Protests Roy Moore’s Homophobia: Sometimes it takes a devastating loss for someone to see the impact of their hateful, homophobic and bigoted views. In this video, a heartbroken dad named Nathan Mathis is seen outside a Roy Moore rally in Wicksburg, Alabama. Mathis is seen holding a photo of his daughter, now deceased. – by Red Painter – Tags: feedly, ifttt, politics – https://crooksandliars.com/2017/12/alabama-farmer-who-lost-gay-daughter

Sen. Gillibrand calls on Trump to resign: Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that President Trump should resign amid numerous ‘heart-breaking’ sexual harassment allegations. – Tags: feedly, ifttt, politics – http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2017/12/11/gillibrand-trump-should-resign-sot.cnn

12-year-old interviews Roy Moore: The America First Project, a pro-Trump political action committee, sent a 12-year-old girl to interview Alabama’s GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore. – Tags: feedly, ifttt, politics – http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/12/12/moore-interview-with-12-year-old-america-first-project-sot-ebof.cnn

Children as Chattel–The Common Root of Religious Child Abuse and the Pro-Life Movement: On the surface, valuing embryonic life and abusing children are at odds, but with a biblical view of childhood, these positions can go hand in hand. – by Valerie Tarico – Tags: politics – https://valerietarico.com/2015/03/24/children-as-chattel-what-religious-child-abuse-and-the-pro-life-movement-have-in-common/

The Rollback of Pro-Worker Policies Since Trump Took Office Is Staggering: A few months ago, President Donald Trump devoted his weekly address to the beleaguered American employee. “For too long, American workers were forgotten by their government—and I mean totally forgotten,” he said. “My administration has offered a new vision. – by Helaine Olen – Tags: politics – https://www.thenation.com/article/the-rollback-of-pro-worker-policies-since-trump-took-office-is-staggering/

That’s it for this batch. Thanks for reading!

Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By

A horrible thing happened Friday night. My iPhone went for an unexpected swim. There was a scream of horror, right after the most awful kerplunk sound ever.

I fished it out and turned it off as quickly as I could, but I wasn’t quick enough. David had pounded upstairs to see what was the matter, and quickly found a container of rice we still had – we stopped cooking rice for dinner quite a while ago. Into the rice it went and I waited, phoneless, for 2 days.

I blame a phone commercial that shows someone dropping their phone in a lake, I’m sure it suggested something to me.

Meanwhile, 2 days later, David brought the phone to me, we powered it up and charged the battery. It seemed to be working, until I tried to use if for the thing you’re supposed to use a cell phone for: making a phone call. I couldn’t seem to connect, or hear if the call was connecting. Turns out, it was.

It took some attempts and texts to discover that my earpiece speaker was fried, and also the speaker for playing music.

Well, shit.

However, all is not lost; David just bought an iPhone 8, and his previous phone could be wiped and reassigned to me. So I’ve bee somewhat frustrated today – using a familiar interface, but a bigger form factor. I’ve been mostly using it as I normally do, but keep running up against missing passwords (most made it over, not all) and signing back in to apps and tools.

Even for posting on this blog, the app I use is causing me problems; I can log in to all my blogs on the iPad version of the app, but I can only log in to 3 blogs on the iPhone. Not a big deal, but it’s frustrating – the WordPress app and the WordPress.com ”jetpack” plugin have these weird behaviors where I have to remember NOT to use the temptingly easy Gmail login, because that leads to duplicate logins that I made inadvertently. And inconsistencies between iPad, iPhone, and desktop “saved passwords” were causing me grief.

Still, at this point I have a working iPhone that I can live with, but I’d rather have my previous one; for one thing, I really like my case, which may be a dumb reason but it matters to me. A repair may be possible, and it’s not paid off yet, which really irks me; how I wish I had not fumbled it into the deep.

Meanwhile, at least I’m still able to keep an eye on the news and on Twitter; and I even texted a friend in Alabama to urge her and her husband to vote tomorrow. Get out the vote, Alabama- vote for Doug Jones and the future. Not for the man who represents the shameful past.