4 Pocket Links Mon Aug 21 21 21:56:18 2017


Here’s a pocketful of links, stacked up for easy viewing.

GOP senator unsure if Trump will be 2020 nominee: Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) told MSNBC that she was unsure whether President Donald Trump would be the party’s presidential nominee in 2020. – Tags: politics – http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/08/21/susan-collins-unsure-trump-2020-msnbc-sot-erin.cnn

Jeh Johnson: Confederate Statues Are ‘Neo-Nazi Rallying Points’: Martha Raddatz filled in on ABC’s “This Week” charged with the arduous task of eliciting some semblance of logic from Jerry Falwell Junior’s rationalizing of Trump’s deplorable defense of White Nationalists, KKK members and Neo-Nazis. – by Leftofcenter – Tags: politics – http://crooksandliars.com/2017/08/jeh-johnson-confederate-statues-are-neo

Angry Trump Grilled His Generals About Troop Increase, Then Gave In: WASHINGTON — President Trump’s skepticism about America’s involvement in Afghanistan was no secret to his staff. But his top national security officials were still taken aback at a meeting in the Situation Room on July 19, when an angry Mr. – by Maggie Haberman, MARK LANDLER – Tags: politics – https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/21/world/asia/trump-afghanistan.html

Michael Snyder Wants To Take Over The GOP And Fill Congress With ‘InfoWars Candidates’: Michael Snyder, a radical Religious Right prepper pundit who is among the Republicans candidates running for Congress in Idaho for the seat being vacated by Rep. Raul Labrador, is a kindred spirit of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and a regular guest on his radio program. – by Kyle Mantyla – Tags: politics – http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/michael-snyder-wants-to-take-over-the-gop-and-fill-congress-with-infowars-candidates/

That’s it for this batch. Thanks for reading!

6 Pocket Links Sun Aug 20 2017

Here’s a pocketful of links, stacked up for easy viewing.

The most pernicious racism is the stuff we don’t even think about : ***Dave Does the Blog: Literally don’t think about, as in the stuff that passes below our consciousness, that we don’t detect, let alone ponder. The stuff where we don’t even think about it as racism because it’s just How Things Are in our minds, axiomatic assumptions about people based on their race. – by Dave Hill – Tags: Racism, Blogs – http://hill-kleerup.org/blog/2017/08/18/pernicious-racism-stuff-dont-even-think.html

From airline cancellations to that ropey hotel, what to do about botched holidays: The Guardian and Observer consumer champions have joined forces to bring you a guide to your rights … from lost luggage to flight delays and bad hotels It’s that season again. The sleepless nights, the stressful confrontations and the hours spent on phone and email seeking resolutions. – by Miles Brignall and Anna Tims – Tags: travel – https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/aug/19/airline-cancellations-ropey-hotel-what-do-botched-holidays

Fit in my 40s: ‘I’m lazy: cycling in a pack changed that’: We did this for what felt like hours, but was actually 40 minutes – did I mention the vicious headwind? A role model is like a lemon zester: it’s only once you’ve got one that you realise you wanted one. – by Zoe Williams – Tags: cycling – https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/aug/19/fit-in-my-40s-bella-velo-cycle-club-richmond-park

Trumps to skip Kennedy Center Honors; organizers are ‘grateful’: The White House has announced that President Donald Trump and the first lady have decided not to participate in events honoring recipients of this year’s Kennedy Center Honors arts awards. – by Associated Press – http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-trumps-to-skip-kennedy-center-awards-20170819-story.html

Could Donald Trump lose in the GOP primaries?: President Donald Trump’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad summer vacation has sent the administration reeling. – by Peter Feaver, (c) 2017, Foreign Policy – Tags: politics – http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-gop-fp-comment-1efbba6a-8426-11e7-b359-15a3617c767b-20170818-story.html

A letter to my American friends: when did the dream die?: It is difficult for Americans to watch the presidential parody that is Donald Trump with anything approaching equanimity. But it is also hard for non-Americans – long-time friends and admirers of the United States – who look on helplessly from afar. – by Simon Tisdall – Tags: politics – https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/19/a-letter-to-my-american-friends-when-did-the-dream-die

That’s it for this batch. Thanks for reading!

6 epic bike treks around the globe

These look a little more epic than I’m capable of handling, but they still look like a dream. But there must be a typo in the England to Rome one – 2 days to go a thousand miles is pretty ambitious in a CAR, let alone on a bike.

June 2017 marked 200 years since German inventor Karl Von Drais first rode his two-wheeled Laufmaschine, or “running machine.” These trips celebrate the bike.

Source: 6 epic bike treks around the globe – Chicago Tribune

Optics: Stern And Tough Cabinet, or Reality Show Cast Photo?

This photo requires some context: Bannon is out, this is the currently constituted Cabinet as it was during the weekend meeting on Afghanistan, and Trump has just signed some bill that’s more of a symbolic resolution.

Let’s break down the looks — and messages sent via those looks — for each white man of the 13 white men and 1 woman in the photo. Side note: I have to believe the attendees were told not to smile due to the seriousness of the topic discussed. Otherwise, the sheer spontaneous seriousness is truly beyond belief. (Huge thanks to CNN’s Jim Acosta for helping ID everyone.)

Source: Everything is going great! in 1 amazing Trump photo – CNNPolitics

They look so angry, grim, and determined. And it looks more like the beginning of Season 2 of “President Apprentice.”

This looks more like the kind of photo that gets updated as cast members are eliminated.

There Is No Deal Breaker For Trumpists

People support Trump because they project their own fears and hopes on him. Note that I use the clich̩ in reverse order Рthey are first motivated by fear, and hope is secondary.

NYT: No Deal Breaker For Trump VotersParson Hicks, A Trump Voter, Still Supports Him

Larry Laughlin, a retired businessman from a Minneapolis suburb, compares Mr. Trump to a high school senior who could “walk up to the table with the jocks and the cheerleaders and put them in their place.” That is something that the “nerds and the losers, whose dads are unemployed and moms are working in the cafeteria,” could never do. Mr. Trump may be rich, he said, but actually belonged at the nerd table.

“The guys who wouldn’t like me wouldn’t like Trump,” he said. “The guys who were condescending to him were condescending to me.

Mr Laughlin is literally projecting his own experiences (coming from the justifiable fear of being bullied) onto Trump. Yet in actuality, in high school (or the military academy he attended) Trump was a jock.! He had a reputation for being a jerk, too.

Ms Parson Hicks, quoted at the top of the article and pictured, lives in Boston. As a black woman, would she have felt safe attending yesterday’s huge anti-Nazi “free speech rally?” Yes, as long as she stayed in the huge crowd of counterprotesters, who were dancing, singing, and adopting baseball cheers.

Once she crossed beyond the line of weaponized tubas and trombonists and crossed to the Sad Rotunda of Lonely Sturmtroopers, though, she would have not been welcomed.

Source: A Deal Breaker for Trump’s Supporters? Nope. Not This Time, Either. – The New York Times

This First Hand Account From Charlottesville

This experience passed along by Crooks and Liars from a Facebook post (with author’s permission) gives the lie to the “both sides do it” argument… including the one used by the current resident of the White House.

I’ve spent the week since Charlottesville grieving, angry, and spending far too much time sifting through Twitter and news feeds, trying to make sense of it all.

The only conclusion I can reach is that Nazis and fascists must be opposed, without violence if possible. They may make it impossible to avoid confrontations, though, in future actions. They crave conflict because without opposition, they melt away like the filthy, polluted slush at winter’s end.

They march bearing the flags of the defeated enemies of this nation. They must be defeated, too.

I rarely post politics or anything else on Facebook …. But let me be clear. I was acting as a medic in Charlottesville. “Both sides”-ing about it is absolutely unacceptable. Content note: I’m going to get quite graphic here, because while I understand that there’s quite a range of political viewpoints among my Facebook friends, I want to *get this point through to everyone whatever your politics*.

In the run-up to that weekend, some local counterprotest organizers’ families were forced to flee their homes because of violent threats. Some of them had “bodyguards” – friends escorting them everywhere they went that week, even to the grocery store, work, all the mundane places that people go in their normal lives.

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Evening Calm

Twitter has hacked my brain. Years ago I was capable of blogging long essays. Now I think in 140 character bursts. This must stop.

I have New Age music playing, I’m not looking at Twitter, I’m not reading item after item in Feedly, I’m not curating links endlessly in Pocket or del.icio.us (or whatever linkhoarding tool is current now).

It is late evening, it is calm, and I had a pleasant day of errands, eating out with family, playing board games, and laughing. I ate out twice, in fact. Lunch and dinner, spent with family. An older couple, a middle-aged couple, and a young couple went out to dinner and enjoyed each other’s company. We shared old memories and made some new ones.

On our way out to the car, we passed a beautiful bronze statue, symbolic of culture and history and of remembering how good things should be even if there’s a tragic history.

This is culture worth preserving. This is history worth remembering, This is beauty worth contemplating.