Trump asked Sessions about closing case against Arpaio

This is outrageous. The President of the United States does not simply “let a case go to trial” as if he (or she) has any say in the process.

As Joseph Arpaio’s federal case headed toward trial this past spring, President Trump wanted to act to help the former Arizona county sheriff who had become a campaign-trail companion and a partner in their crusade against illegal immigration.

The president asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether it would be possible for the government to drop the criminal case against Arpaio, but was advised that would be inappropriate, according to three people with knowledge of the conversation.

After talking with Sessions, Trump decided to let the case go to trial, and if Arpaio was convicted, he could grant clemency.

This is infuriating. Trump ignores the Constitution with every dollar he rakes in at one of his properties, and he treats the Judiciary as a nuisance. No wonder he was angry at Sessions recently, he was getting static over pardoning his birther buddy.

How far will Congress let this go? Pretty far. The Republicans are starting to get restless and so far only a few ex-members are willing to speak out (with the exception of Arizona’s senators, McCain and Flake).

Can we expect more pardons for much more serious crimes? Yes, especially if they’re closer to the President and bring him into focus in the ongoing Mueller investigations.

I am so disgusted with this… hairball.

Source: Trump asked Sessions about closing case against Arpaio, an ally since ‘birtherism’

The ‘Money Fight’ in the Age of Trump

The ‘Money Fight’ in the Age of Trump

The image these men project is disturbing. The controversy that swirls around them is troubling. The culture that celebrates them is disgusting.

I can't wait until the ads and movie trailers stop.

The ‘Money Fight’ in the Age of Trump
The McGregor/Mayweather fight is a stew of racism, sexism, homophobia, and economic injustice.

Read at Google+

Any headline beginning "Trump Makes A Mess" is fine, but is a distraction from

Any headline beginning "Trump Makes A Mess" is fine, but is a distraction from

Any headline beginning "Trump Makes A Mess" is fine, but is a distraction from #TrumpRussia

Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon
In just nine days, President Donald Trump might have badly hobbled Arizona Republicans headed into a competitive Senate race and hurt his own re-election…

Read at Google+

4 Pocket Links Wed Aug 23 20 20:06:13 2017


Here’s a pocketful of links, stacked up for easy viewing.

Flickr: Repository of Resistance Memes: A really useful collection of Resistance memes, many were used in a recent “tweetstorm Google doc created by Jhamel. – by Honey DemForce – Tags: politics, theresistance, trump –

CaptainsLog2017 on Twitter – by Herr Trump in, CaptainsLog2017 ??, Scarlet Witch 2017 ? – Tags: trump –

CaptainsLog2017 on Twitter PHX pics: #PhoenixRally pics thread – by East Coast, Deb, Dani G, Vicki Ringer, Dracula’s Spatula, Eric DeBlackmere, Kenny J #Resist, Cynthia Pease, Mrir, C Barker Congdon, CaptainsLog2017 ??, Scarlet Witch 2017 ? – Tags: trump –

The strange story of a ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind the president at his Phoenix rally: At a number of political rallies over the last two years, a character calling himself “Michael the Black Man” has appeared in the crowd directly behind Donald Trump, impossible to miss and possibly planted. Almost always, he plugs his wild website,, across his chest. – Tags: trump –

That’s it for this batch. Thanks for reading!

That Was No Single Voice

The delusion is strong with this one. There were several hundred voices heard OUTSIDE. Maybe a lot more than that.

A few hundred people (or more) protested in 105-degree heat in Phoenix

“Don’t bother,” Trump said, as the crowd booed. “It’s only a single voice. And not a very powerful voice.”

Source: As Trump ranted and rambled in Phoenix, his crowd slowly thinned

For some time now, since the awful night of the US Presidential election, I’ve been spending far too much time om Twitter, trying to process what happened, and trying to resist in some way. In December, Star Wars and Star Trek themed “memes” started going around, and they really resonated with me. As a lifelong science fiction/fantasy aficionada, stuff like this really spoke to me:

And late in December, Carrie Fisher died, and that really hit me hard. 

Somehow I fell in with a bunch of people running “resistance” Twitter accounts based on Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Dr Who, and many other fictional universes. I choose to be a lone wolfess-type character from ST: Next Generation called “Ro Laren.” She’s obscure she goes her own way, but she does her best to resist tyranny.

They were somewhat loosely coordinated by this guy, “Captain’s Log,” and today he’s recovering from a huge protest rally and march in Phoenix.

He even got called out by Ezra Levin of the Indivisibile Guide for helping to organize and motivate turnout.

So Trump and his Trumpettes can crow and strut and boast all they want, hundreds of people were out there in the heat shouting, chanting, and resisting. It was not a single voice, it was a chorus of many hundred voices.

Much of this was coordinated through Facebook, Twitter, and various Indivisible local groups in Arizona. The wall is going up, but it’s built with people power, and resists the intolerance that Trump is trying so hard to dismiss and normalize.

We are the Wall. We are a chorus of many voices.

And in the case of the recent protests in Boston, we are many thousands, and we have tubas, sousaphones, and trombones.