This won't make the NBCSN highlights show. Well played, French pranksters. Well played. #TDF16 2016-07-03 Dear news media: We dont need to know the mood. Who are the shooters, what is their motive? #Dallas 2016-07-08 @GeekFurious Yep. What would happen if a lot of black people joined the NRA and exercised open carry, advicated, etc? #crickets in reply to GeekFurious 2016-07-08 @RealStephens Can't wait to watch via DVR later. 2016-07-08 RT @RealStephens: Utter brilliance. @StevoCummings @TeamDiData #TDF2016 2016-07-08 @GeekFurious Win? in reply to GeekFurious 2016-07-09 @wadegoodwyn @MorningEdition wanted to hear more but understand time constraints. What else have you…