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    my diabetes journey: Currently 194.16 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-02-28 I wore Crocs to see the awesome Deadpool movie. Don't judge me. Hashtag #Clueless 2016-02-28 RT @RealDonalDrumpf YUUUGE. Classy. I like it. #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain https://t.co/5RbIhZRbbq 2016-02-29 Can nearsighted parrot ex-banker @iamjohnoliver turn GOP triumphalism into GOP Drumpfalism? #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain 2016-02-29 What are the principle of Drumpfalism, anyway? Please forward research and speculation to @iamjohnoliver 2016-02-29 RT @kfury: I'm starting to use "Make [x] Great Again" in everyday life. Last weekend's goal was "Make the Garage Great Again". 2016-02-29 @kfury I like that. I'm going to make folding…