Until about 1130pm, I'll be singing at the late service. The earlier service will be "Las Posadas" but probably not like how they do it in New Mexico: they're using a door borrowed from a local theatre group.
If I were involved I would have made them go all around the church, in the cold, in the dark. We have enough exterior doors to make it work (there's a tradition song, with verses sung at each neighbor's door).
Christmas Eve At St Nicholas December 24 – 4pm Las Posadas, 9pm Lessons and Carols
Christmas Eve December 24 4pm Family Service – “Las Posadas” (the journey of Mary and Joseph to the Inn) 9pm Service of Lessons and Carols with Euchari
Have fun with those lessons. I'll bet learning from a pro will do wonders for your euchre game. 😉