At Bombay Chopsticks. Never noticed it until recently. # High winds here, not far from ORD # RT @fallingrock It's less than 60 days till the #TourdeCure still looking for sponsors. Visit to sponsor David # Powered by Twitter Tools
David’s out on a training ride for the American Diabetes Association “Tour de Cure” today. He’s committed to riding 35 miles on June 10th at the ride event in Naperville, and some of us will be volunteering that day, too. After that, we’ll be celebrating his parents’ 50th wedding anniversary (David expects to be pretty wiped out). As David has diabetes (very well controlled by diet and exercise) he’s entitled to wear a red jersey on ride day. He’ll also be riding in honor of other family members who have diabetes. Actually, David’s riding with some other team members who…
Absolutely stuffed. All that and #Ikeahasmeatballs # At @MythBusters exhibit at Chicago Museum of Science and Industry: my toast landed on its side! @donttrythis # I checked in at Bombay Chopsticks (721 W Golf Rd) on #Yelp # Powered by Twitter Tools
Yas! Sox and Laundry! Via: Flickr Title: Easter Kitty Brought Us Sox! By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 8 Apr ’12, 8.23am CDT
Thanks @KrisKaine , here I am on my parcel in #LUsRGrid . Read the whole story at # Aw, "Faddah" Manny made a video for Holy Week: # Singing tonight, singing solo acapella piece IN THE DARK Saturday night, and the Hallelujah Chorus, too. # I also tweet as @StNickEpiscopal and do the church website. Holy Week is upon us, my music folder is FULL. #HolyWeek # Listening to @WBEZ play Aretha Franklin on "Sound Opinions" and losing it. So beautiful. # Powered by Twitter Tools
This cartoon was on our seats when I arrived (early!) for rehearsal. The choir mistress is pleased with our efforts. Via: Flickr Title: The Vicar Is REALLY into the Easter Vigil too. By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 7 Apr ’12, 7.02pm CDT
This cross used to be at Holy Innocents before the merger in 2007 Via: Flickr Title: Easter! By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 7 Apr ’12, 6.44pm CDT
It’s that time of year again – I’m singing at the Easter Vigil tonight at St Nicholas, and we’re doing the Hallelujah Chorus tonight and tomorrow. Much like in 2007, in fact, but we’re much more experienced now, and the freshening we’ve felt with Father Manny beginning his tenure has been a LOT of fun! I’m also the web and social media boffin for St Nick’s so I do the website, Twitter, Facebook, and whatever else that’s internet-y. So I’m always interested to know how people find St Nick’s. I’m also on the Welcome Committee, just so that all makes…
A lot of people at work wearing hoodies. So am I. #fb #hoodiemonday #JusticeForTrayvon #TheChristianLeft # An entire family at @StNickEpiscopal wore hoodies yesterday, I wore one today not knowing about #hoodiemonday #fb # RT @iboudreau @Shopaholic_918: "Wait, The Supremes are having a concert in DC?" Sure, singing Baby, Baby Where Did Our Health Care Go # Gun-toting flier stopped by TSA at airport, was coming off "detox treatment." Does he need deFox treatment? #crazyeyes # RT @StNickEpiscopal Lots of special music for Maundy Thursday (April 5, 700pm) and Easter Vigil (April 7, 800pm) that won't be repeated. #…