Uncategorical Weirdness

The World’s Most Boring Blog

Yes! It’s right here! I have had nothing interesting to say for weeks or months on end!

Meanwhile, congratulations to Annie Mole for keeping her Going Underground London Tube Blog fresh and interesting for almost nine years.

We’ve been back from our most recent vacation (to Colorado again) for a couple of weeks, yet today is the first time I’ve been able to tear myself away from playing Bejeweled Blitz and the TV long enough to upload some of the pictures… which may or may not get uploaded to Flickr.

I’ve got some photos from the recent “Pet Blessing” at St Nick’s that need to be uploaded too. And a meeting today with some other folks on the “outreach” team. I’m feeling very, very creatively blocked at the moment, so maybe I need the kick in the butt. Meantime, the St Nicholas page on Facebook continues to chug along….

The news lately: I’m pretty sad about Steve Jobs’ passing, even though I’m not the stereotypical “Mac freak” like, ahem, a couple of my friends (one of whom used to attend MacWorld every year). And I’m looking forward to getting a new iPhone 4S once we find a local store that has them in stock (no, I can’t be arsed to sit in line or wait for orders to be fulfilled from the web).

I’m pretty heartened by all the Occupy (insert placename here) stuff, and hope that it continues to be creative, funny, and decidedly leaderless. It’s the populist uprising the Tea Party’s corporate sponsors WISH they had, because the demographics are much younger, hipper, and better educated.

I will be voting for Obama, as disappointed by his lack of progress (heh) on progressive issues as I am. Why? Because I refuse to vote for crazy people who’ve done nothing but block Obama on everything.

And nobody does crazy like the Christianist Corporatist Ultra-Conservative Right Wing of the Republican Party. I can’t believe that a former pizza chain owner who’s never been elected to anything is at the top of the list of Republican candidates, nor can I believe that Mitt Romney is likely to be the nominee after all the pixie dust settles just because he’s the “most normal.” What??? Yes, he’s the most normal out of this field of nutjobs.

And as a kid who grew up non-Mormon in Utah, being bullied and told I would go to hell as a child of 8, I am struggling to overcome my instinctive dislike and distrust of the faith, especially when politics and “the charch” are linked. Although I respect Harry Reid, who is a Mormon convert with principles, I really don’t like Mitt Romney, who has the political instincts of a windsock. Romney reminds me of the two-faced kids who used to “be nice” to me when no one else was around, but would help bullies gang up on me when groupthink demanded that the different one be singled out for punishment.

I’ve been reading, reading, reading stuff in the news, and getting mostly rather depressed about politics in this country. Do the crazy people on the right really, REALLY believe what they’re saying? If so, they’re not just crazy, they’re batshit insane.

2 Comments on “The World’s Most Boring Blog

  1. [Blogula: Guess what I read on the net. This!!]

    LDS a “cult”? What about the “rapture”?

    by Bruce Rockwell

    Mitt Romney, a Mormon, is “not a Christian” and Mormonism is a “cult,” according to Rev. Robert Jeffress, pastor of the Dallas (TX) First Baptist Church.
    His “cult” remark is based on his belief that the Latter-day Saints church (which didn’t exist before 1830) is outside “the mainstream of Christianity.”
    But Jeffress hypocritically promotes the popular evangelical “rapture” (theologically the “any-moment pretribulation rapture”) which is outside mainstream Christianity (Google “Pretrib Rapture Politics”) and which also didn’t exist before 1830 (Google “Pretrib Rapture Diehards” and “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty”)!
    And there are 50 million American rapture cultists (some of whom turn Wikipedia into “Wicked-pedia” by constantly distorting the real facts about the rapture’s bizarre, 181-year-old history) compared with only 14 million LDS members.
    The most accurate documentation on pretrib rapture history that I have found is in a nonfiction book titled “The Rapture Plot” which is carried by leading online bookstores. I know also that the same 300-page work can also be borrowed through inter-library loan at any library.
    Latter-day Saints believe in fairness, which is why I feel called to share this message.

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