PZ Myers on FOXNews' anti-NWS rant: "reality is a conspiracy to undermine their ideology" http://t.co/F7M8H1n # RT @TrinityWallSt We are hopeful that you are safe from #hurricane #Irene & have joined this service from the comfort & safety of your home # Asking questions about candidates' faith http://t.co/NzMa2Hy # Yes, and I reported it as spam then, too. Buh-bye. #spammersmustbecastigatedseverely #fb # RT @guardiannews "Hand axes unearthed in Kenya are oldest advanced stone tools ever found http://t.co/7RxuN1N" # Irritated with my former doctor, whose incompetent staff STILL hasnt faxed records to the new one. # And once again, my doc…
Acapella group, our friend Jim Goodrich on lead vocals and long hair (far left) Via: Flickr Title: Buffalo Grove Days: 4-AM By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 3 Sep ’11, 2.47pm CDT