Victory: Community Based Housing of Choice for Illinois Disabled Adults

Some families in Illinois are celebrating tonight. It would be nice if a family member who lives in a group home could benefit from this decision and not have to live quite so far away… due to the extreme length of the waitlist for supportive group housing for disabled adults in Illinois, she was placed in a town several hours away from the rest of us. And maybe it wouldn’t be worth uprooting her now, but at least if it becomes necessary in the future, there may be more options for her and her immediate family.

State officials will begin drawing up plans to move 3,000 people with developmental and intellectual disabilities into community-based housing of their choice, as directed under a federal settlement approved Wednesday that allows for a six-year timetable.

The governor’s office praised the settlement, which will expand services to new residents on a 21,000-member waiting list — but officials offered no answers on how they expect to pay additional costs during Illinois’ fiscal crunch.

“The final cost will be determined by how many people elect community-based care,” said Januari Smith, spokeswoman for the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Department of Human Services, the defendants in the lawsuit.

“The funds will now follow the individuals, and over the long term, community-based care is less expensive,” said Smith, who said the average yearly cost of a community setting, such as an apartment or group home, is $32,000.

Funding was not the issue Wednesday, though, when U.S. District Judge James Holderman lauded the lawyers for reaching agreement, saying the consent decree holds “great significance” and was the result of fierce negotiation.

“I firmly believe that the state of Illinois, the citizens, have been well served by these efforts,” Holderman said, after hearing from two parents who support the settlement.

The goal is to bring Illinois into compliance with the 1990 federal Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires that people with disabilities be allowed to live in the “most integrated setting” within their communities.

The key here for me is “within their communities.” Just sayin’.

via Illinois disabilities lawsuit settles housing issue –

A Year Of Spending Cuts and Tax Hikes Has Worsened The Recession… In Greece, Anyway

For a second there, I thought she was talking about the US economy, which is in the terlet thanks to the Bush tax CUTS and the continuing War on Women and Children, reducing aid to poor families.

Taxes. It seems whether you cut them or hike them, they cause problems for everybody.

A year of spending cuts and tax hikes has worsened the recession, now in its third year. The unemployment rate among young people is around 40 percent.

via Greek Economic Dilemma Evolves Into Political Crisis : NPR.

Riley News: LOVE Them Tuna Treats

Riley’s been doing really well since we got his prednisolone reformulated as a tuna-flavored liquid treat – he loves lapping it up from a plastic syringe that’s designed for “oral” applications. Thank goodness for Keefer’s Pharmacy:

Keefer’s Pharmacy, along with being a regular pharmacy, is also proud to be a Compounding Pharmacy. This means that Keefer’s has the ability to make up medications that aren’t commercially available. The spectrum of compounding is broad, but Keefer’s covers almost everything. And, in addition to compounding for people, Keefer’s Pharmacy makes up almost a significant portion of their medications for pets.

via Compounding Info.

It’s Not A Weasel: Fuck You, I’m a Marten Meme Involves My Friend Tammy

Sometime next year I’ll get around to blogging about our wonderful recent vacation to the Olympic Peninsula and Seattle – one of the most fun things was dropping in on my friend Seattle Tammy at her store, Books on 7th, in Hoquiam Washington.

You can even BUY BOOKS FROM THEIR ONLINE STORE, and I happen to know they just got in a big consignment of old cookery books…

Turns out Hoquiam is now famous after a recent incident with a deceased member of the Family Mustelidae put them on the international news wires, and LOLmarten images went viral.

“We’re not all running around here with weasels,” the mayor of Hoquiam, Jack Durney, insists.

His tone is genial, but he admits to a level of frustration as today the Google alerts for “Hoquiam” pile up from national sources, most containing an explanation of the distinction between a marten and a weasel.

“A marten is a member of the weasel family,” helpfully concludes the ur-AP story on the assault by a man also carrying a dead marten.

What Durney wishes national media would ask him about is Governor Gregoire awarding Hoquiam a Smart Communities Award for the third year in a row. Hoquiam’s downtown revitalization campaign won under the “Development Project to Implement a Plan” category. Radio station KBKW reports:

The ongoing project has focused on public improvements to downtown including new ADA accessible sidewalks, street trees, decorative lamp posts and a new riverfront walkway. Hoquiam has seen a burst in new business activity and business improvements through the opening of Tully’s, Levee Feed and Pet Supply, Books on 7th, Pure Clothing, and the 8th Street Ale House to name a few.

via Beyond Dead Weasels, a New Hoquiam Emerges From the Trees | The SunBreak.

HEY YA!!! I was wondering why all the FUCK YOU!!! I’M A MARTEN! shirts suddenly appeared in Second Life (Tammy made some to give away to mutual friends), and I’d seen a few LOLmarten macros in my feed, too.

Only the other day I was commiserating with Tammy about business being slow and recommended she find herself some free publicity, and here she is in the news, sorta kinda, with dead martens asserting their martenhood all over town. Or possibly minkness, as Tammy notes:

The Dave Barry rule applies here: You just can’t make this stuff up. Hoquiam Police Chief Jeff Myers was contacted by the Game Department, as martens hadn’t been seen on the Harbor for 50 years. After seeing a photo, they replied “Never mind, it’s a mink.”

If you love books, Tammy’s shop in Hoquiam is a fun place to stop by – small enough to be cozy, big enough to have an interesting and eclectic selection. We also patronized the 8th Street Ale house for lunch, where she and I enjoyed our Hoppy Bitch Ales very much, thank you.

With all this world-wide attention focused on Hoquiam, it seems poised to make great strides as the center of all your marten-based small predator needs. It’s a cute town, aiming to get cuter with the planned walkway along the waterfront. Drop by sometime soon! If it turns out it really was a mink, that’s okay, too.

Weekly Tweets 2011-06-12

  • Listening to Whad'ya Know? on WCPT, happy to discover Michael Perry and #
  • Listening to Mark Marron on WCPT. Is this one of his first shows? Cool. #
  • Correction: heard Mark Maron's first show on @WBEZ and… enjoyed it quite a lot! #
  • D'oh. Spelling FAIL. Sorry, @marcmaron #
  • Santorum running, whips GOP base into frothy mix of pleasurable anticipation. #
  • RT @NewsHour "Would you vote for former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum for president?" #
  • Surely "frothy mix" is trending. Let's see if we can get #Santorumnewsleak trending too. #
  • A news leak from Rick Santorum must be carefully handled. #Santorumnewsleak #
  • Any reliable source of Rick Santorum news must get to the bottom of the story. #Santorumnewsleak #
  • It may be necessary to lubricate your Rick Santorum source a bit just to get the juices flowing. #Santorumnewsleak #
  • RT @Shoq "BREAKING: Spectator faints at Santorum rally. (Bet she Googled "Santorum" from her smart phone.) #p2 quot; #Santorumnewsleak #
  • Rick Santorum is against BANAL sex. He regrets the error, as you were. #Santorumnewsleak #
  • RT @SLAngCath "Services and Activities for the 6th to the 12th of June 2011 #SecondLife #Episcopal #Anglican" #
  • RT @pourmecoffee "Many historians agree Admiral Ackbar warned Empire trap would fail." #
  • Note: I dont book anyone on Screaming Baby Airlines. #
  • The @SarahPalinUSA Revere audio proves she's incapable of coherent speech on her own. Thus all unscripted questions are "gotchas." #
  • RT @ArchEurope "Autism May Have Had Advantages in Humans' Hunter-Gatherer Past, Researcher Believes" #
  • Santorum's press conference puts frothy mixture of his religious-political views on everyone's lips. #Santorumnewsleak #
  • Santorum news leakage today regarding Presidential runs: hot to trot for the White House. #Santorumnewsleak #
  • Wow. My 5th grade teacher passed away recently. I remember him wearing a Nehru jacket. #
  • Weinergate: So irritated. What a dumbass. #
  • Clarence Thomas: Health care decisions can't be the only conflicts of interest. #
  • Let @RepWeiner be the example of what NOT to tweet if you're an elected official of any party. #
  • In the end, a dick is just a dick. But a lying sonofabitch who lied us unto war and torture is out for dinner with Laura. #
  • A little perspective: today @RepWeiner made the @BBC newslady say "underpants." Bush made Colin Powell tell the UN an unwitting lie. #
  • Should every decision Clarence Thomas ever made as a Supreme be questioned? Yes. #
  • Clarence Thomas should resign over this lobby-money scandal, but won't happen because he'd have to SAY something. #
  • A new Alaskan comedy goldrush: Sarah Palin emails to be released into the wild Intertubes. #
  • Unbelievably cheap in so many ways: @SpiritAirlines Weiner Sale "fares too hard to resist." Cutoff date June 10 😉 #
  • Sad that Colin Powell was duped into passing along Bushco's lies about WMD. He's doing some motivational conference in Seattle. #
  • Why is a turgid Weiner more newsworthy than a possibly-corrupt Supreme Court justice? Is Dem sex sexier than Repub graft? #ClarenceThomas #
  • Someone put popsicles aside in the break room fridge, marked them "MINE." #2problems #
  • And then there was Weinerdoggate to make it all better! #
  • Yeah, Spirit Airlines is having a Weiner Sale. #
  • RT @episcopalcafe "San Joaquin authorizes blessing of sacred unions" #ecafe quot; #
  • RT @cdashiell ""But what meaning would my life have without someone to hate and look down upon?" — every Republican" #
  • RT @Adenovir "Those who forget the past are doomed to vote Republican. @KowboyKush" #
  • The Triumph of Tina Fey is Now Complete #FTW #p2 #tcot…..-complete/ #
  • RT @dvnix "RT @MichaelShatz: Today is "Call Clarence Thomas Day" 202-479-3000 #p2" #
  • At least @RepWeiner tweeted a more impressive package than the GOP ever will #JOBSJOBSJOBS #
  • Who is more ethical, @RepWeiner or Sen. David Vitter? Since Spanky didn't resign over Diapergate, Weiner should stand firm. #
  • RT @dvnix "Petition @HarryReid for a congressional hearing on #ClarenceThomas #039; conflict of interest: RT to sign #p2 quot; #
  • As an old-time Highlander fan (see avatar) I'm wondering why #Highlander is trending. Oh. Googleview. #
  • .@RepWeiner should NOT resign. However, #ClarenceThomas should. And Vitter. #
  • TMI: just now I took a cell call while "on break." Thank GOD the auto-flush didn't go off, it was my church choirmistress!! #awkward #
  • RT @cdashiell "If a politician can kill hundreds of thousands in Iraq based on a lie, surely we can forgive lying about sexting. What? No?" #
  • Dear @SteveMartinToGo – if I can tweet my cat's prescription notification, you can tweet your ankle X-ray. #
  • Why doesn't @SarahPalinUSA 'fess up already and call it the FundamentalIST Restoration tour? It's what she secretly wants… #
  • Watching Through the Wormhole rerun. There is a typo in the display for Fermilab's Tevatron. #ISlayTypos #
  • Fermilab hosts concers and cultural events, VERY cool venue.…..ries.shtml #
  • I used to love a rainy night, until Eddie Rabbit ruined it for me. #earworm #
  • Unbelievable: "Rod Blagojevich: does it innocently" pistachio ad, and he's still ON TRIAL. #p2 #
  • Uh, it's pitch black outside, nasty storm. #
  • ORD disappeared behind grey curtain of rain, mist. Wish I hadn't left flashlight at home, power outage likely. #
  • Another WTF "Lookitme! Lookitme! Hey Lamestream Media! LookitMEEE" policy statement from Bible Spice, the non-candidate. #
  • RT @JoanR1425 "@SarahPalinUSA You're WTF'ing someone (anyone) else? Hysterical. #mediawhore #narcissist #paulrevere #palin" #
  • ARREST in politician sex scandal!!! Oh wait, British Conservatives are like Republicans, so #nevermind #p2 #
  • Exit, Stage Right RT @Wonkette "Newt Gingrich's Campaign Staff All Quitting, For Obvious Reasons" #p2 #
  • RT @cdashiell "Of course Santorum says an abortion to save the life of a mother is a "phony issue." Who cares about the life of a mother?" #
  • RT @dvnix "Theeeeeeeey didn't want to work – they just wanted to bang on their drums all day. #Reasontheyquit #Gingrich" #
  • HOVERBIKE prototype attention @donttrythis @grantimahara…..l/gallery/ #
  • RT @adamfelber "Hey, I just landed the job of managing Newt Gingrich's campaign!" #
  • RT @HawaiiDiscount "United Airlines launching Hilo routes to L.A., San Francisco via @bizjournals" #
  • I like everybody, except mean people. They suck. #fb #
  • What are you doing this weekend? #fb #
  • Blagojevich jury gets case, instructions, evidence. Hope to God they didn't get pistachios. #
  • John Kass calls #Blagojevich "Gov. Dead Meat," dunno why. #
  • Why did #Blagojevich do the pistachio ad? Because everyone likes little nuts. #
  • The Internets are vewwy, vewwy quiet. They're hunting Bumpitts. #
  • If you're a politician with a sordid past, today's the perfect day for a Friday Night News Dump. #
  • Hey! Today's my 15 year anniversary with my company! #fb #
  • Dang, that #showmeanotheremail button is a crap shoot. Next one was a fan mail from some old coot in MA saying GOD BLESS. #palinemails #
  • . @gdnpalin Palin speechwriter/word salad sous chef: "To tighten, we had to edit your words." #palinemails #p2 #
  • Ha! Image is everything: "Need to change term from "big oil" to something more tempered." @gdnpalin #palinemails #
  • Another email from Palin speechwriter/word salad tosser on State of the State 2008. More stress on reducing length. #palinemails #

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Weekly Tweets 2011-06-05

  • Last full day of #NWFolkLife for us. More music and performance-art people watching today, seeing a friend, and collapsing later. #fb #
  • At St Paul's Seattle for a little meditation and reflection (with music and incense). #fb #episcopal #
  • Wow. ::exhale:: Lovely service, very challenging modern piece by Arvo Pärt called Solfreggio. Acapella! #StPauls #Seattle #Episcopal #
  • My new Taiko career begins! RT @fallingrock "Taiko drummer @GinnyRED57 at #NWFolkLife #fb" #
  • At Sea-Tac, homeward bound to ORD. Flew @United out, flying @AmericanAir back, will be interested in direct comparison. #FB #
  • I goofed up our TSA info somehow; at ORD checkin @United kiosk agent said "There's nothing I can do here" and waved us off to far end. #
  • Then we had to find empowered agent to do manual override on kiosk. @United agents were surly, tired. Granted, it was late on a Friday. #fb #
  • Today: @Americanair tkt counter/kiosk agent barely blinked when error message came up, checked us in. UA 0, AA 1. #
  • . @knowyouronion Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and quick to leap off your lap, leaving deep bloody gouges. #
  • To @AndrewBreitbart's unpaid fanboy minions, Weiner jokes are endlessly funny. Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas must recuse. #
  • Chicago airport power outlets hidden, sit on floor. Seattle outlets plentiful at gates, restaurants, paid speed-charge kiosks. ORD 0, SEA 1 #
  • On time. Bye-bye. #fb #
  • Landed ORD. Jiggity jog. #fb #
  • Started reading Boneshaker on the flight from Seattle. OOH Zombie-fightin steampunk air pirates! #fb #
  • . @Shoq I gotta speak up for the rights of hot young sword-wielding Steampunk zombie fighters. #
  • GARAGE #PalinBusName #
  • FURTHURER #PalinBusName #
  • The Love eMission #PalinBusName #
  • Hey @chicagotribune how did debunked @AndrewBreitbart smear get past factcheckers on @RepWeiner hacked-account story? #
  • And the smears continue in comments. Sleaze succeeds. #
  • RT @iamepiscopalian "@OTOOLEFAN Hmm, not sure." Pretty sure she's a non-deNOMNOMNOMinational flavor #declinegracefully #
  • Lawrence h berry #
  • I cant be the only one that got email from either a total kook, or Satan. #
  • Satan's Facebook page: he needs demonic help with Farmville and Vampire stuff. #
  • A flash mob of the Gays armed with fierce fabulous dance and fashion mojo needs to visit Roger Ailes' office. #
  • Sometimes I wonder how great FOX tv shows (Simpsons, etc) can stand to have even faint associations with Ailes and FAUXNews. #
  • Saw a bumper sticker for WCPT, a Chicagoland progressive radio station. More thoughty, less shouty. #

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