Weekly Tweets 2011-06-26

  • Ha! Image is everything: "Need to change term from "big oil" to something more tempered." @gdnpalin #palinemails http://j.mp/iEHQNj #
  • Tornado sirens going off in Hoffman. We're in the basement. Probably nothing. #fb #
  • Christ, what an asshole: Southwest pilot rants inflight about "gays, grannies, and grandes" on hot mic #WNpilot http://is.gd/rjpXfT #
  • Just booked a corporate business traveler into the Best Western Precious Moments Hotel in Joplin MO. Advzd him chance of cute overload. #
  • Just in time for #FF @cluttercleaner @RileyWaggaman @HoardersPossum @rodvik Thanks for the follows, will attempt to be interesting. #
  • Saturday at last… No plans today feels… weird but good. #fb #

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A short trip to the basement, but all clear now (we hope)

The tornado horns went off a while ago but stopped; we went to the basement with Riley in the cat carrier for a short time but felt unprepared… And silly.

Tornado warnings in most of the Chicago area have expired, but a tornado rning remains in effect until 9:30 p.m. for easternLake County, Illinois.An earlier another tornado warning declared for northwestCook County,DuPage County, Grundy County, Kane County, Kendall County, western Will County, and eastern De Kalb County also has expired.A severe thunderstorm warning for Cook County, eastern DuPage County, northeastern Kane County,Lake County, southeastern McHenry County, eastern Will County, northern Lake County in northwestIndiana and northern Porter County in northwestIndiana has expired.

via Tornado warnings as funnel clouds sighted in 3 counties – chicagotribune.com.

Weekly Tweets 2011-06-19

  • RT @StNickEpiscopal ""O Comforter, draw near, within my heart appear, and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing." Hymn #516 for Pentecost" #
  • The Teaparty/GOP want to reconstitute the nation in their fantasy image, and Frank Luntz wants to be the Framer of the Reconstitution #
  • Just Desserts: RT @TLW3 "Harold Camping Suffers Stroke http://is.gd/lJH2Nd / Irony " #p2 #p21 #dems #tcot" #
  • I predict the wackiest one wins. RT @NewsHour "Seven GOP presidential hopefuls take the stage tonight http://ow.ly/5gpzx (Morning Line)" #
  • RT @chicagotribune "Crews responding to 'incident' involving WWII bomber in #Oswego http://trib.in/m9poSh" #
  • It's Mitt Romney and the rest as candidates debate in New Hampshire http://t.co/AiLWgSJ #
  • My #SL self goofed that joke up bigtime. #
  • GOP's Guy Smiley leads polls; he debates Stinky, Blinky, Noblinky, Pinky, Ginky and Hinky tonight but NOT Winky. http://is.gd/bvdgqs #
  • Another way to look at it is tonight, at least, Santorum and Bachmann are to the left of Romney. http://is.gd/bvdgqs #
  • Horribly busy. Horribly horribly busy. Too busy to contemplate the craziness that is Bachmann today. #
  • Almost total. #totallunareclipse #
  • Will David Vitter ever resign over his sexual scandal? Depends. #Weinergate #
  • RT @Msjournalist "Judge's clerk comes out and asks lawyers & govt to come to Judge's chambers. One reporter shouts "I object" #Blagojevich quot; #
  • RT @dvnix "RT @sickjew: Clarence Thomas's wife, Ginni, reportedly quits Liberty Central: POLITICO.com http://is.gd/7sKrnp #p2 #tcot" #

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Another Company I Won’t Trade With: Target

After some discussion tonight watching the feed from Netroots Nation, I realized that I don’t want to give my money to Target anymore.

Too bad I already started wearing the underwear. I’ll just let it get really… ripe before I wash it, so there.

Workers at a Long Island Target store have been attempting to form a union, an effort which comes to a vote on Friday. Target has been waging a pretty standard corporate anti-union campaign—which is to say, lots of intimidation. But now it’s taken a turn for the humorous.

Gawker’s Hamilton Nolan, who has been doing stellar work focusing on this issue and the realities of working at Target, obtained a copy of an anti-union video shown to all new Target employees.

via Daily Kos: Anti-union video from Target used union actors.

My Congressman @RepJoeWalsh Deserves Ignominious Defeat At The Polls In A Free and Fair Election

That not-so-veiled threat the Chamber guy made was so dumb. It’s so much easier to just wish that Teabagger Joe doesn’t just get redistricted, he gets defeated handily in the upcoming election.

Drat, that’s a Flash embed, won’t be visible on iPhone/iPad. Ah, fooey.

From Think Progress, it looks like there’s a GOP civil war erupting after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Tom Donahue made some not so veiled threats to Republican freshman House members who don’t want to raise the country’s debt ceiling.

Illinois Representative and resident blowhard Joe Walsh and the Tea Party Patriots co-founder Mark Meckler appeared on Neil Cavuto’s show on Fox and laid into him.

via ‘Tea Party’ Freshman Joe Walsh Rips Into Chamber of Commerce’s Donahue for Threats Over Raising Debt Ceiling | Video Cafe.

As A Red-Headed Mutant, I Find My Lack Of Waterproof Sunscreen Disturbing

I heard a reference to this on the radio the other day… as it happens I’ve never relied on the “waterproof” part of sunscreen claims (especially when swimming or snorkeling), but always re-apply after coming out of the water every so often.

New Food and Drug Administration regulations mean that, by the summer of 2012, there will be no such thing as “waterproof” sunscreen. That’s because, frankly, there already wasn’t such a thing. A sunscreen might be more water resistant than a competitor. But you can’t assume that one application of the “waterproof” stuff will stay with you through hours of pool time. Next year, sunscreen bottles will be honest about that fact, and they’ll tell you how long you can expect water resistance to last.

The other big change: What the sunscreen protects you from. Under the new regulations, only broad-spectrum sunscreens—the kind that protect you from both the UVA and UVB wavelengths of solar radiation—with SPF values of 15 and higher, can claim to prevent skin cancer. Anything else must tell you that it’s just for preventing sunburn.

via 4 things you didn’t know about sunscreen – Boing Boing.

Chick-fil-A DO NOT WANT But They’re Coming Anyway

This is not all that good and joyful: anti-gay corporate poultry product shills Chick-fil-A are building a restaurant near me, I’ll pass it every day. Ugh.

Bet Chick-fil-A wishes this month would end. Over the past few weeks, the restaurant chain’s deep ties to the anti-gay movement have been exposed and uncovered by a number of activists, most notably Jeremy Hooper at Good As You. Whether it’s Focus on the Family, the National Organization for Marriage, the Pennsylvania Family Institute, or Exodus International, Chick-fil-A ties run deep.

Of course, the President of Chick-fil-A wants gay people to share no hard feelings. The restaurant will gladly feed homosexuals gobs of chicken sandwiches, after all. But when it comes to marriage, Chick-fil-A believes strongly that same-sex couples just don’t deserve equal rights.

via Yes, Chick-fil-A Says, We Explicitly Do Not Like Same-Sex Couples | Change.org News.

Do Not Sass The Pilot Or Wear Droopy Drawers: It’s The Sky Law!

Oh for CHRIST’S SAKE. Yes, security is important, but security theater is impotent.

An entire US Airways flight was evacuated and the pilot placed a passenger under citizen’s arrest after he refused to pull up his baggy pants, reports NBC Bay Area.According to his mother, her son initially refused, saying that his hands were full. His mother says he then went to his seat where he pulled up his pants.The airline says the passenger refused to get off the plane and that’s when the pilot placed him under arrest. He was later charged by police with trespassing, battery and resisting arrest.US Airways released this statement: "The passenger refused to comply with instructions, so the captain exercised his right to make a citizen’s arrest after passenger refused to deplane."And that, my friends, is what we call Sky Law.

via US Airways Pilot Arrests Passenger For Having Baggy Pants – The Consumerist.