My benign neglect of all things Blogula is ending – at least that’s my intention. One little thing that’s been bugging me is a bug with’s filtering – they’ve recently started filtering out links saved via their otherwise excellent service that they identify as “malicious” or bad somehow, and replacing them with “Internal Server 500” errors. I finally tracked down the Postalicious plug-in’s blog to get a possible fix for this problem, or at least a workaround: burn the Delicious feed through Feedburner, and use THAT feed in the plug-in.
As a side note, duh, when did Google buy Feedburner? Oh, well, I’ve been spending too much time just reading in Google Reader rather than actually writing or blogging to keep up with this stuff.
My Delicious link feed will now be Delicious/ginnyred57
And I promise to save interesting links, once I’m satisfied the thing is working right. The posts will be titled “Links” instead of “Linkdump” if I set it up right.
Via Shifting Mind » Postalicious 2.0