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    Weekly Tweets 2011-05-15

    I'm traveling to one of the most unchurched states in the nation the day before the Rapture/the Great Re-Reckoning. Not expecting much. # RT @episcopalcafe "What should progressive Christians do about Jim Wallis?" (Sojourners refuse LGBTQ ad) http://bit.ly/jv0l24 #ecafe quot; # Everybody, please give it up (really, all your treasures, stuff and sticks) for @HoardersPossum # Remember, @RepJoeWalsh don't mess with Medicare. You werent elected by a very big margin (pretty weak tea, in fact)! # So the new Talking Point is "entitlement reform." Cowards hide behind euphemisms: call it what it is, Koch suckers! # Everyone is welcome to…