- .@RepJoeWalsh "The Obamacare?" Do you mean the Affordable Care Act? Calling it "The Obamacare" makes you sound uneducated. #
- Melissa Bean was a tool of the insurance companies, so in her place we got @RepJoeWalsh and this is better how? We trade a Blue Dog for? #
- Good morning @nprmonkeysee ! You might enjoy reading @Anniemole and her excellent Going Underground blog. PS are you having TAR flashbacks? #
- Jet lag can be fun. I once wandered around Whitehall and the Dean's Yard, which is tucked behind the Abbey, at 530am. #
- That charming garden court tucked behind the Crowne Plaza St James is probably really pretty now. #
- Some of the very best places for a bite and a rest in London: ANY MUSEUM CAFE. Especially the Cabinet War Rooms. Cool, dark, great ambiance. #
- On my way in saw a very large coyote in the park/wetland in my otherwise dull suburban neighborhood #
- RT @josevilanova "Do it NOW!!! Please go to http://www.onewheaton.com #onewheaton DO IT NOW" #itgetsbetter #
- Need add this link to @StNickEpiscopal #fb page http://www.OneWheaton.com #
- Hey @wilw you might be seeing some #OneWheaton chatter today. Nothing to do with you but worth supporting. http://www.OneWheaton.com/ #
- If you need a laugh, NPR.org has a photo gallery of fascinators from the #royalwedding including The Notorious Cthulu Hat #
- Coffee. STAT #boringtweets #
- RT @levarburton "Funny! RT @nojobny HA! RT @adtothebone: It's a shame LeVar Burton's full name isn't LeVar Burton Ernie" #
- RT @OneWheaton "The best morning after. Ever. Your support keeps flooding in! #onewheaton quot; Web stats from yesterday good? #
- NPR Weekend on wedding hats from the sublime to the ridiculous. Think I know where they're going with this. #
- The phrase "extraordinary hat" has been used. Was Professor Fen invited to the wedding? #obscureliterarycharacters #
- Ah, so this is what @Ordinal was talking about. Privacy please, we're British: http://is.gd/Cg1cXh #
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