Trying Express and WooTumblog after upgrade


WordPress recently upgraded, it may mean that template changes I made for WooTumblog need tweaking.

It sure is easier to post via their ExpressApp for the iPhone, but the content didn’t hit my feed right.

No image, no link, no nothing.

Haven’t attempted to style these type of posts differently, may do that eventually.

Weekly Tweets 2011-03-06

  • RT @Shoq "Settle down. Let's wait for all the facts to be made up. RT @JeremyTri: @Shoq Are you trying to say Fox news lies?" #truth #
  • "RT @SGUnite: #SGU marathon tomorrow on Syfy. First half of season 2 Catch up, 2nd half airs March 7th! Tell a friend to tune in too." #
  • Have gotten better at pilling @MrRileycat_Esq but happy that his "numbers" are going the right way. Whew. #
  • Actually went to the health club yesterday, 30min on elliptical. #fb #
  • Nominated as more annoying than Comic Sans: Kristen ITC, bolded 14pt #effontery #
  • Why Gingrich is not Presidential: never write a memo about your sekrit Army spies you fantasize about. #
  • My mom-in-law is reading "Naked Heat" by Rick Castle. @NathanFillion looks good in her house! #

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Linkdump: February 26th – March 3rd