- Saw "Guys and Dolls" at Marriott Lincolshire last night, great show! #fb #
- I'm now the Duchess of St Nicholas Episcopal Church on #Yelp http://bit.ly/bZOyfa #
- Almost time for Stone Soup. Then ashes and quiet reflection for Lent. #AshWednesday http://is.gd/ApJhmJ #
- Hey @WXRT Lin, traffic was bad *just like you said it would be*. #
- RT @forgetmenot1230 "RT @#RecallWalkerNOW #RecallWalkerNOW #RecallWalkerNOW #RecallWalkerNOW #p2" #
- Are we surprised the Spokane rat-poison bomber has ties to white supremacy hate group? No. http://is.gd/fRvZSP #SpokaneMLK #
- More proof that busting the unions trumps the economy: #WISenate strips fiscal parts from bill so quorum not required. #SHAME #RECALLWALKER #
- Correction: @93XRT Lin was right. Traffic WAS bad. #
- Going out for fresh air. #fb #
- RT @insanityreport "More proof that the Christian Right are completely full of shit" An overabundance of proof and shit! #
- RT @SenatorKirk "Hosting this week's constituent coffee with @SenatorDurbin. http://yfrog.com/h0cwppzj" #DurbinOnTwitterPlease #
- .@insanityreport so the Spokane Rat-Poison bomber is #yetanotherisolatedMadMan check. #
- RT @BoldProgressive "NEWS: @benpolitico – Liberal groups raise $200,000 overnight 4 WI ads http://pccc.me/h9iVhl #WIunion #weareWI #notmyWI quot; #
- RT @petersagal "Happy Birthday to Paul, half of @paulandstorm. Still trying to figure out which half." #
- RT @Catballou "Lady Liberty should be painted red; and someone give her a dramamine before she pukes. #WI #ID #MI #IN #OH #NH" #
- Wearing black tomorrow: in solidarity with the hungry (as Johnny Cash did) and unions. #WI #ID #MI #IN #OH #NH #WIunion #
- I think Republicans can't read. They confuse democratic with Democratic, and will destroy democracy by mistake. #p2 #GOPoops #
- You can pronounce #GOPoops however you like. #
- I checked in at Einstein Bros (5500 New Wilke Rd) on #Yelp http://bit.ly/bUGLWP #
- Best of luck to all my friends in Hawaii, heed the warnings and hang in there! @AMauiBlog @Kaiscapes @808Now #
- RT @AMauiBlog "@mashable Twitter Users React To Massive Quake, Tsunami In Japan" http://mashable.com/2011/03/11/japan-tsunami/ #hitsunami #
- For more #hitsunami alerts and live Twitfeed see http://hitsunami.info/ via @AMauiBlog #
- RT @HawaiiRedCross "Hawaii Red Cross volunteers being briefed on situation and tasks http://twitpic.com/48fd2v" #
- RT @KSSKhawaii "Hawaiian Airlines Flight 457 to Tokyo’s Haneda International Airport and is expected to land there" http://fb.me/VOXuePUK #
- RT @HawaiiRedCross "Listening to @hawaiinewsnow http://bit.ly/7ASe1" #hitsunami #
- RT @c_of_e "We now have a prayer for Japan at http://tinyurl.com/4khnq8a and some personal prayers posted at www.sayoneforme.org" #
- RT @JayAckroyd "RT @mattyglesias: Good thing we didn't shut down the Pacific Tsunami Warming Center this week: http://ygl.as/i3fK5y #
- Uh, all those people who may have bought stock in Japanese companies yesterday might need to sit down and treat for shock. #
- Bad timing except for construction firms: http://www.csmonitor.com/Busin…..t-in-Japan #
- Everybody sit tight in Hawaii, could be several events, listen to radio, charge friend's batteries! #hitsunami #
- RT @SenatorKirk "The USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier should render support to our Japanese allies responding to #earthquake " Closest? #
- Honestly, they never miss a chance to invoke the patron saint's name. #p2 #
- RT @HawaiiRedCross "@hawaiinewsnow reporting Ala Wai canal waters moving pretty fast" #hitsunami #
- RT @TWCBreaking "Per Honolulu Civil Beat: "Surreal scene playing out. Air is "dead still"…horizon dotted with…boats #hitsunami #
- RT @AircrewBuzz "RT @StarAdvertiser 6 foot surge reported in Kahului Harbor, Maui #HItsunami via PTWC" #hitsunami #
- RT @Epicenters "5.6 – OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN http://1.usa.gov/fYuHfZ" more #earthquake aftershocks so #hitsunami not over #
- RT @iamepiscopalian "TGIF everyone. Keeping our sisters and brothers in Japan and the Pacific in our thoughts and prayers." prayers here. #
- RT @TWCBreaking "@BreakingNews: USGS has measured 67 aftershocks with 5.0 magnitude in Japan since quake #HItsunami http://1.usa.gov/giDeqa" #
- RT @TWCBreaking "Latest #HItsunami heights, per PTWC: Kahului, HI (6')…Haleiwa, HI (3.6')." Holy sh17! That's huge for OGG harbor! #
- RT @Catballou "@jimmath: #Utah .. gov signs closed govmt bill http://bit.ly/hDQGLI so #GOP can work under their rock. http://bit.ly/ghEzkv" #
- .@Catballou Ugh, #Utah Was raised there, always say I'm from #Colorado to avoid having to explain the ignurnts. #
- RT @Shoq "Japan led world in quake-proofing. Then came Reagan's Age of Greed, which led to the #teaparty and this Age of Morons. #p2 #tcot" #
- RT @jacksonstdano "RT @alisaan: Retweet if you learned about the earthquake over Twitter and not via traditional media. #tsunami quot; #
- RT @lesjenkins " @GeorgeTakei: Today we are all Japanese. Give $10 to help. Text REDCROSS to 90999, or click http://ow.ly/4ctzx Pls RT!" #
- RT @thehill "UPDATE: Fire out in LOC building
http://thehill.com/homenews/ne…..ding" #fb # - Road trip with David's parents! #fb #
- Post-quake non-shopping list from Japan: http://www.mediatinker.com/blo…..tml#010829 #
- Helping Melissa celebrate her birthday! #fb #
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