Weekly Tweets 2011-01-30

  • If I wanted to taste your perfume, I would lick your neck. #fb #
  • This will be remembered as the year the Bachmann/Palin Crazy Train goes into overdrive, with Angle/O'Donnell Crazy Caboose. #
  • RT @Syfy "…a Firefly series without half of the lead actors? (Actually, Adam is on Chuck too…so that make 4). Or w/out Joss?" No. #
  • Bachmann must have been watching the HypnotoadPrompter http://r33b.net/ #
  • .@KeithOlbermann And all this time I thought #FOK meant Fully Off Kilter. Happy Birthday, young man. #
  • RT @daveweigel "Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS), whom Palin opposed in the primary, also at Tea Party Caucus meeting." ie., #morans meeting #
  • Any #Rush #Limbaugh comment on his fan's racist death threat? No? #tcot #p2 http://thinkprogress.org/2011/…..th-threat/ #
  • Think the Secret Service will be looking at that truck-noose-head graphic, too. #classy #p2 http://is.gd/Y3lHAI #

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Disabled Man Dies After Beating By Group Home Employees In Downstate Illinois

This is disturbing… for various reasons. This man was a member of a kind-hearted and trusting population of Illinois residents, and it’s outrageous that the people responsible for his care are also responsible for his death.

Just last year Paul McCann was contemplating moving from his group home in Charleston to one in Crest Hill to be closer to his family in the south suburbs, his sister said.

But even after spending a weekend at a residency facility blocks away from his elderly mother, McCann decided he wanted to stay downstate, where he knew more people and enjoyed the scenery.

“He said… ‘I want to be with my friends in Charleston,’ said Kathy Slovick, McCann’s older sister. “He put some thought into that.”

Now McCann’s family is struggling to understand what could have led to his tragic death at Graywood Foundation, a facility he called home.

McCann, who grew up in Joliet, was 42 and mentally and developmentally disabled. His death is the second in less than three years where there have been allegations of an attack by employees at the group home, officials said.

via Disabled man fatally beaten in group home, authorities say – chicagotribune.com.

Army protecting #Egypt protesters from police video: Watching and listening

Earlier today a reporter for the The Daily News Egypt captured footage of Cairo protesters taking shelter behind and among armored vehicles of the army. Who were they were sheltering from? The Egyptian police.


The chant has the same cadence as “The people, united, can never be defeated.” I’ve also heard a Spanish version.

via Army protecting Egypt protesters from police video – CSMonitor.com.

Linkdump: January 24th – January 28th

Weekly Tweets 2011-01-23

  • RT @OTOOLEFAN "Rience Preibus' name without vowels is RNC PR BS? Where's Glenn Beck when you need him?" eternal hashtag: #RNCPRBS #
  • RT @StNickEpiscopal at 10 am today: lots to pray for and discuss over coffee. Father Steve's news, next steps, and Da Bears game later! #
  • Father Steve is now a "lame duck" vicar, soon to go to Our Savior, Elmhurst. He was nearly duck flambé today; candles and sleeves dont mix! #
  • Pat Kalicki, Senior Warden, will lead St Nicholas in the interim. Saturday liturgy at 430pm continues, there will be a smooth transition. #
  • As Father Manny's sermon concluded, welcome to St Nicholas. #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover Amazing by One Eskimo. http://shz.am/t50809837 #
  • RT @AllieBrosh "New Blog Post: Wolves: Benny came to the birthday … http://bit.ly/epeiHf" Woohoo! A new post from Allie! #
  • RT @cnnbrk "At least 3 shot at high school in Gardena, California, police say. http://on.cnn.com/hOGmnX" Ah, NO! #
  • Christian Science Monitor not monitoring un-Christian, unscientific opinion pieces http://is.gd/o3cfdF #
  • RT @episcopalcafe "Vatican warned Irish bishops not to report abuse: A 1997 letter "documents Vatican rejection http://bit.ly/dFbB6t #ecafe quot; #
  • Affordable Care Act "not the job killer GOP says" especially with creative omissions http://is.gd/3z5nWZ #
  • Affordable Care Act… is affordable. #reframethedebate #mockthestupid #
  • RT @Shoq "BREAKING: @GOPleader and #GOP unveil their new health care reform plan. It's called the "Kill More Americans Now Act." #p2 #hcr" #
  • Oooh, may watch Pioneers of Television SF episode tonight. http://j.mp/fIvNjv #
  • RT @StNickEpiscopal "NW Suburbs LGBT Spirituality Meetup Saturday at 545p after 430p service. Mediterranean potluck! http://meetu.ps/1ZcV" #
  • I stand back in awe at @GeorgeTakei and his fearless awesome. He called a sitting governor a douchebag. #ohmy http://bit.ly/hKlyZK #
  • May get dressed. May drink more coffee and listen to @WBEZ because it's cold downstairs. #

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Most Stringently Cold Here

It’s 10 degrees Fahrenheit here and snowing. We were going to go out with the cameras but so far it’s a coffee-in-bed day. The new heated mattress pad has been getting heavy use; David leaves it on all day during the week so Riley can stay cozy under the covers while the automatic thermostat lowers the temp til we get home.

Here’s a wonderful blog I found following Chris’ recent kind comment; it’s a collection of wartime love letters.

It is still most stringently cold here. Last night we had a heavy fall of snow; today the temperature is very low with alternating showers of snow and glimpses of anaemic sunlight. I seem to be getting used to the cold however and we have learned how to make the stove in our billet burn most of the night so that getting up in the morning is no longer completely petrifying as Jean [his youngest sister-in-law] would say. I am rejoicing in the hirsute warmth of the heavy underwear I have been carrying around for so long, and am using my new scarf constantly.

via Letters from the past: Tuesday 9 January, 1944.

At this very moment there sits on my desk a shoebox full of the letters between Mom and Pop from when they were engaged but living in different towns in Colorado, separated by mountain passes and winding, two-lane highways.

I wanted to blog them before, but it was a little too soon after Mom passed, so they’ve been sitting there. Maybe soon… In the meantime, enjoy reading Chris’ project, “Letters From The Past.”

Time To Kiss “Dear John” Goodbye In Business Emails?

In my work life, I frequently send emails to people I don’t know, quite often to people in other countries. The standard opening in our company is supposed to be:

“Dear Business Traveler,”

… which I use most often when forwarding confirmation emails that come to our generic inbox. I use a rather anonymous tone and the generic signature block, because the emails are automatically generated to frequent travelers whose member accounts have become associated with our office.

But when emailing someone I’ve spoken to, or to someone in Britain I “know,” I open with:

“Hello (Firstname),” or even “Hallo, (Firstname)” for a British contact.

I reserve “Hello, Mr/Ms (Lastname)” for customer service situations, where a more formal term is more appropriate.

I rarely use “Dear…” as a salutation unless I’m making some kind of request from a vendor or a sales rep whose name I know.

I wouldn’t equate “Dear…” with sealing wax just yet but its usefulness is limited.

In closing (heh) I usually end with some kind of thanks, or “warmest regards.”

“Very sincerely yours,” is what you’ll get if I’m NOT able to get a nonrefundable charge waived, or otherwise have bad news on a request.

Its time we ditched “Dear…” from work e-mails, according to a US political figure, who says its too intimate. So what is the most appropriate way to greet someone in an e-mail – hi, hey or just get straight to the point?

Two words. Thats all Giselle Barry needed to leave a lasting impression. The spokeswoman for US congressman Ed Markey was e-mailing a group of reporters, to alert them to an important announcement.

“Hey, folks,” she began.

Such a casual salute raised eyebrows at the Wall Street Journal, which interpreted the beginning of her e-mail as the end of a centuries-old written tradition.”

Across the internet the use of dear is going the way of sealing wax,” noted the newspaper.

via BBC News – Should e-mails open with Dear, Hi, or Hey?.

Weekly Tweets 2011-01-16

  • I just used #Shazam to discover Hurt by Johnny Cash. http://shz.am/t11248206 #
  • RT @bbcamerica "Cameron Diaz talks #TopGear w/ @JimmyKimmel. She feels really good about her time vs Tom Cruise http://aol.it/e0wZnj" #
  • RT @boobiewed: We do!!! RT @HarryMinge: No-one gives a fuck that it's #Boobiewed anymore." I DO. Family member had rad mastectomy yesterday. #
  • It's #boobiewednesday Have you self-examined today? Follow @boobiewed and spread the love. #
  • My mammogram results from Monday were NORMAL. Good luck all! #boobiewednesday #fb #
  • RT @TWCBreaking "Airport update: Islip, NY remains closed until at least noon. Deicing continues at BUF DTW (Detroit) PHL STL SLC" #
  • RT @hilinda "Did I really just hear dispatch tell someone "the donuts have arrived"?" Mmm, donuts. #donuts #
  • RT @Shoq "BREAKING: @darrellIssa to investigate organized liberal disrespect for Palin's use of code words "blood libel." #p2 #tcot #lmao #
  • If you know someone vacationing in Maui, the hashtag for the weather/flooding/road closure reports is #mauistorm #
  • RT @WBEZ "Video: KUOW ups the ante on Bears/Seahawks wager http://bit.ly/evJovC" UH oh, I was a KUOW subscriber when I lived in Seattle… #
  • Feeling a bit down. Have to pick up some meds for @MrRileycat_Esq later. He'll be fine for quite a while, we hope. #
  • Watching Katie Couric on CBS evening news, thinking Speaker Boehner may regret not going to Tucson with the others. #
  • RT "God works thru @ECCSonline to bring message of hope to 60K homeless, ill, poor, abused, addicted ppl in N Illinois http://ow.ly/3DBDU" #
  • RT @Shoq "G'morning Corpizens. What's the Blood Libel Threat Level?" #p2 Probably "Be Negative." #
  • RT @bcwoods "Hodgman's new mustache makes him look like a rapacious riverboat gambler." @wilw must answer this insult to the double 'stache! #
  • Awesome new moniker, by a supporter?? "Former Half-Term Governor Mooseknuckle" was on Hannity #SheWhoMustNotBeNamed http://is.gd/4IioKa #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover Spanish Moon by Little Feat. http://shz.am/t360401 #
  • Dammit!! Box Office Mojo's goofy question mark in their True Grit story URL broke my site layout. That'll larn me not to link to them. #
  • Watching #BillMaher now. Loughner compared to a "gun-loving lunatic who can't hold a job and leaves rambling messages on the Internet." #
  • I am totally going to start using #wordbarf to describe boilerplate text from now on. #BillMaher #

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Riley’s Vets: Doctor Bob and Doctor Leon

Dr Bob Esbensen, human vet, holding Doctor Leon, feline consulting specialist

As you can see, Doctor Bob is a human veterinarian. And Doctor Leon, who is both big-boned and fluffy, is a feline consulting specialist.

Dr Leon strolled into the exam room the other day to greet me warmly, and then assisted the vet tech in showing me how I will administer Riley’s pills. He gobbled up the extra “pills” after the demonstration concluded. He obviously loves his work.

Our Doctors