Illinois Senate – Vote Twice For Your Guy

Yeah, yeah. I’m just sad that I can’t vote AGAINST “Tombstone” Burris.

The old Chicago adage "vote often" takes on new meaning Tuesday — instead of voting once for U.S. Senate, voters will weigh in twice.

It’s all legit. The quirk is wrapped up in the drawn-out drama associated with the Senate seat that Barack Obama vacated after he was elected president in 2008.

The short of it is that a federal judge ordered a special election to fill the remaining roughly 40 days of Obama’s Senate term. In the interests of time, that special election is being held at the same time voters pick a new U.S. senator for a regular six-year term.

Election officials are bracing for the confusion.

via Voters vote twice for U.S. Senate in Illinois on Tuesday –

Carter Slams FOX. Expect Bunny Reference In Rebuttal

You can bet somebody at FOX will make a “witty” remark about killer rabbits to take the sting off

Former President Jimmy Carter slammed Fox News Channel Sunday for their coverage of President Barack Obama.

“With the discussion groups, for instance, on Fox News, that are totally biased, and they implant completely false images not only of the facts about legislation that’s passed, or doesn’t get passed, but also about the character of President Obama,” Cater told CNN’s Howard Kurtz.

via Jimmy Carter: Fox News is ‘totally biased’ | Video Cafe.

UPDATE: Thanks to Mitch for the timely rebuttal!

UK Airline Chief Kow-Towing in 3, 2, 1

Three days later, the British Home Secretary issued a statement about the explosive device found in a cargo plane at East Midlands Airport.

Britain should stop “kowtowing” to US demands over airport security, the chairman of British Airways, Martin Broughton, has said, adding that American airports did not implement some checks on their own internal flights.

via UK should not put up with US airport security – BA chairman | World news | The Guardian.