Palin’s Pallin’ May Have Lost GOP The Senate

So where it really counted – the Senate races featuring female religious fanatics like Angle and O’Donnell, Palin’s endorsement wasn’t enough. And in O’Donnell’s case, not even a Bumpit and a bunch of rabid teabaggers shouting slogans outside polling places were enough, thanks be to God.


Palin A Loser | Talking Points Memo.

Hope This Isn’t A Flash In The Pan

Adobe Flash is officially banned from Apple iOS software. So does that mean you can’t view Flash content on your iPhone or iPad? Well, not exactly. Beginning at 9 a.m. on Thursday morning – mark your calendars – the Apple Store will reportedly begin selling a $2.99 app called Skyfire, which effectively lets iPhone and iPad users perform an end-run around the Flash ban.

via How to get Adobe Flash on your iPhone and iPad –

How Does Breitbart Spell “Smackdown?” A-B-C

ABC News made the wrong choice in tapping Breitbart to have ANY role in their election coverage, but they corrected themselves in time, and won’t make that mistake again. I’ve bolded the most delicious, schadenfreudlich tidbits to savor after the polls close, as it’s likely to be one of the few pieces of good news to come out of today’s Election Day coverage.

We have spent the past several days trying to make clear to you your limited role as a participant in our digital town hall to be streamed on and Facebook. The post on your blog last Friday created a widespread impression that you would be analyzing the election on ABC News. We made it as clear as possible as quickly as possible that you had been invited along with numerous others to participate in our digital town hall. Instead of clarifying your role, you posted a blog on Sunday evening in which you continued to claim a bigger role in our coverage. As we are still unable to agree on your role, we feel it best for you not to participate.

via ThinkProgress » ABC Slams Breitbart’s Tantrum Over Not Being Allowed To Go On TV, Disinvites Him From Participating At All.

The Christian Science Monitor Contemplates The Horrifying Prospect

… of the Christian Anti-Scientists taking us all into involuntary theocratude.

If some of the more extreme Republican candidates get elected, their views – far outside the mainstream – suddenly have credibility. This is particularly troubling in the Senate, where one member can yield tremendous power.

These candidates have railed on the evils of unemployment insurance, want to eliminate minimum wage laws, and would do away with Social Security and Medicare. Some aim to remove most basic government regulations, gut consumer protection laws, and cut federal aid to education. Republicans that are even more radical would seek to position Christianity as the effective state religion, essentially declare war on Islam, and press for aggressive action in Iran.

via Careful what you wish for: What GOP victories would really mean for America –

Woo Hoo! @Alliebrosh Has A New Post Up

In other news, I recently moved to Bend, Oregon because it is quite possibly the best place on earth and just breathing the air here is like huffing joy and celebration. The bad news is that I’ve been busy using my shriveled, little t-rex arms in a mismatched battle with heavy boxes and furniture.

And her friend Colin made an incredibly manly video about shower products based on one of her old posts that must be seen in fully, gory Techno-color to be appreciated.

via Hyperbole and a Half: A News Update, a Dramatic Montage and a Video Animation.