Folk Music In The Suburbs Is A Two-Way Street

A coffeehouse named Two-Way Street in Downers Grove, that is. My husband David and I went there more than 10 years ago to see a folk performer named David Roth, we really could have been going all this time. Funny how time gets away from you.

Down a hallway and short flight of stairs, in a basement room of Downers Grove’s First Congregational Church, it’s not unusual to find a standing-room-only crowd on a Friday night.Not much has changed in the four decades folkies have gathered to draw bows across fiddles, strum guitars and pluck banjos, transforming the church basement into the Two Way Street Coffee House one night a week.”Why Downers Grove? I happen to be born here. I grew up here,” said Dave Humphreys, founder of the coffee shop, which opened its doors for the first time 40 years ago Wednesday.The genre-defining Newport Folk Festival, it’s not. But the Two Way Street, as Humphreys will tell you, is one of very few places in the Chicago area with a following that has remained constant as times and trends changed and folk music lost the widespread appeal it had in the ’60s.

via Two Way Street Coffee House: Downers Grove folk music landmark celebrating its 40th year –

Linkdump: November 5th – November 7th

Weekly Tweets 2010-11-07

  • I just used #Shazam to discover Sound Of Sunshine by Michael Franti & Spearhead. #
  • Power out at my office. Party in the lobby. #
  • All systems are go. #
  • Voting after work. #
  • RT @tweetcongress "Take your picture at the polls today and tweet it to us. TweetCongress staff will pick our favorite…" #
  • Most excellent! Trying not to expect musical welcome extravaganza at Heathrow, did you see that vid? More contact info later. Cheers! #
  • RT @JC_Christian "Silver lining rt @BarbinMD @joanwalsh 25 Blue Dogs have lost, 4 from the progressive caucus" There *is* some comfort. #
  • RT @DHinsider "Seems to me: Joe Walsh still holding razor-thin lead over Bean in 8th Cong. Dist. #ilvote10" #
  • RT @JC_Christian "I'm smiling again rt @daveweigel Here's the reaction in the Angle party #nvsen" Yummy! #
  • When crazy people vote, crazy people get elected. #p2 #
  • It appears that Jesusland's borders are almost to Canada now. #
  • Just ordered London passes, hotel confirmed. What shows should we see? #fb #
  • RT @NewsHour "Pres. Obama said he is willing to compromise with Republicans, and gave energy as an example." No no no NO #
  • It's compromising with the uncompromising that got us all in a pickle. #
  • RT @JC_Christian "RT @ariannahuff: Funny how Dem compromises keep becoming the starting point from which they're to further compromise" GRR! #
  • I think we need to get all Walmart on their asses and have a compromise rollback. #p2 #
  • Hello, everyone! Hope you all have a better day than *I'm* going to have. #isitsafe #
  • .RT @SarahPalinUSA "why use this Bachmann pic…?Ur 2 transparent"" She looks LESS NUTTY than usual. Ur 2 opaque. #
  • Dental fun today, but no fun drugs. #isitsafe #
  • Sarah Palin's taint is all over the GOP in so many ways. #p2 #
  • RT @Wonkette "Sarah Palin Celebrates Good 'T'aint'" #
  • Wow, @askBowflex STILL a @glennbeck advertiser? Health clubs and home fitness trainers take note. #
  • .@StopBeck Did my bit. Now please make mental image of shirtless @glennbeck on a @askBowflex machine go away, plz! DO NOT WANT lol in reply to StopBeck #
  • 2 guys with "Impeach Obama" signs handing out fliers at Golf and Roselle Rd in Hoffman Estates IL. Shook my head, said NO NO NO #p2 #
  • Obama didnt start a war, he was stuck with one. #impeachbush #
  • Obama didn't give the order to waterboard. #impeachbush #p2 #
  • Obama didn't let a great American city stew in it's own sewage while he played guitar at a birthday party. #impeachbush #p2 #
  • RT @Wonkette "AFA: Government Must Mandate All Married Couples Have 3 Children" I'll seek asylum in Canada? #childfree #
  • PS home ok after oral surgery. Can I go to the #parpy now? See then follow @AllieBrosh #
  • I refuse to drive my mom's car, it's a STICK, it's GREEN, and it's UGLY. Can I get a ride? #tweetyour16yearoldself #
  • Obama didnt out a CIA agent to distract our attention from the bogus nuclear arms Iraq didnt have #impeachbush #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover No Self-Control by Peter Gabriel. #
  • Oh, the coffee fairy came! Thank you, coffee fairy! #saturdaymorning #npr #
  • RT @Shoq "Bachmann and Palin meeting tonight. Good Lord, there's a think tank on empty. – @shannynmoore #p2 #tcot" #funny #
  • If MSNBC has to suspend @KeithOlbermann, FOXNews needs to suspend themselves, right up to Rupie. #p2 #
  • Signed! 171,489 have signed the petition to reinstate @KeithOlbermann. Will you? @Shoq #p2 #KeithOlbermann #
  • Thai House on #Yelp "Love Thai House, great Tom kha gai!" #
  • Taste Of Thai on #Yelp We used to go here often, about every other week. Or we would pick up takeout on our way hom… #
  • Thai House on #Yelp We started going here after another restaurant changed hands. Their pad thai is great, if a lit… #
  • RT @pourmecoffee "WANT!" DO WANT TOO #iwantmydamnjetpack #
  • RT @OTOOLEFAN "The real people who should boycott MSNBC are Keith's guests." True. Who would be so crass as to appear? #
  • Support I'm with Keith Olbermann, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! – #
  • Crap! We get to London 2 days after the #DeathlyHallows premiere. We'll go later in the week. #
  • RT @MoRocca "RT @Mattsaboutyou you have to be sheer hell on a road trip//At 1st you'll hate me. By end of ride we'll be singing showtunes" #
  • FOXNews apologies for the error. All of them. #wecanmakeshituptoo #
  • RT @TauniaAdams "@VickyHartzler, most anti-gay candidate in America, opens her heart/home to suicidal gay teens. #WeCanMakeShitUpToo quot; #
  • RT @rpeete "I am watching Bishop-elect Scott Hayashi's Consecration as the Episcopal Bishop of Utah. Webcast live" #

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New Episcopal Bishop Of Utah Will Try To Solve The Notty Problem

I’ve met Bishop Scott at various meetings here in the Chicago area, and I think he’ll be a great “pastor to the pastors” and leader of the Utah Episcopalians.

Video of the consecration service will be at the Diocese of Utah website.

The first time the Rev. Scott Hayashi served Utah’s Episcopal Church, he was puzzled by some parishioners’ tendency to define themselves by what they weren’t:  Mormons. He even remembers pointing out the silliness in a sermon at Ogden’s Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, where he was rector from 1989 to 1998.

“I asked, ‘Does this mean if the LDS people are against gambling, we should be for it? If the LDS people have the Mormon diet and believe whole grains, moderation in eating and getting exercise is what you should do, that means we should eat all high-fat foods and not exercise?  If the LDS people are against smoking, that means we should all be smoking like chimneys? Does this make any sense?’ ”

The next bishop for Utah’s 5,200 Episcopalians now frames the question this way: “Shouldn’t we have an identity that is formed on the positive, as opposed to being against something?”

Hayashi, 56, will be consecrated as Utah’s 11th Episcopal bishop Saturday by the Episcopal Church’s presiding bishop, the Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, in a ceremony at The Grand America Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City.

via Soon-to-be Episcopal bishop: Don’t let LDS Church define us | The Salt Lake Tribune.

I would add, “If the LDS people are non-drinkers,  does that mean we have to have alcohol at social events, and name local brews “Polgamy Porter” and complain about liquor-by-the-drink until the Legislature is forced to abolish it for the sake of the Olympics? Do we have to slurp coffee loudly in restaurants just to show all the Postum-drinking Peculiar People that we’re Not Like Them?”

Yeah, when I was younger and dumber I did a lot of beer-drinking and coffee-slurping whenever I was in Utah.  It stemmed from a compulsion to “stick it to THE charch” by visibly being a “sinner” instead of a “Saint.”

For a long time, this blog has had a category called “Notty Problems: Even Leaving Doesn’t Solve Them.”  It’s not often that I use that category any more; I thought I would be spending a lot more time working off some of my old issues, when I started blogging, that had to do with being a “NOT” from Utah.

When I lived there, I chafed under the overwhelming sense that I was alone in school amidst a huge throng of religious lemmings who all shared the same monolithic belief system, shunned outsiders like me, and occasionally turned on me in packs because they were unable to deal with the concept of “different.” Of course, I developed a bad attitude about it; because I was a non-Mormon who refused invitations to Primary (which was like Sunday school, but I think it was on a weekday) I was not to be trusted. I suppose for them it was hard to be friends with someone who was GOING TO HELL. Understandable, really. Fortunately, there were a few good friends who never treated me like that, but I bet I wasn’t an easy friend to have. Also, I was prickly and constantly on the defensive,  so even with other NOT-Mormon friends, there was some carryover.

As I got older and into high school, the feeling of being actively shunned changed. It seemed then that I was merely socially invisible, but if I dared to complain about the conditions of life in Utah as an unbeliever, I became visible for a moment. Then someone would always snap, “Well, if you don’t like it, you can just leave!”

This “like it or leave it” mentality was very common and being hit with it happened pretty frequently, because I complained A LOT about the status quo.

What? I was in high school. I couldn’t just leave. At least, not until it was time to go to college. And that couldn’t come a minute too soon. But I did end up “leaving” a lot of conversations and potential friends in high school. The lesson that I learned from that was “people don’t want to be your friend unless you’re just like them, so don’t bother or you’ll only get hurt.”

But when I did go off to college, what happened? I had a lot of friends, from many different backgrounds, especially during the first couple of years when dorm life forced me to get to know a lot of people at once.  Some of them are still dear friends and we remain in touch, mostly via Facebook these days.

When I first arrived at the University of Oregon 34 years ago, it was amazing to be in a place where most people were actually not interested AT ALL in religion, and who were not conservative, but liberal in their political views.

However, I was still forced to define myself in negative terms, as I often introduced myself as  “My name is Ginny, and I’m NOT Mormon!”  I had noticed an odd thing – people outside of Utah never asked what religion I was, as it seemed to be considered impolite or in bad taste. That is, UNLESS I was asked where I was from, and then religion was on the table. As in “Oh, are you Mormon?”


It didn’t matter that in college I was not attending church, although at the time I identified myself as a Congregationalist (“You know, like the Pilgrims, but not as conservative”).

It became a joke between friends, because I quickly gained the reputation for getting cranky if someone new asked me where I was from, and then if I was Mormon. Because NO, I am not one of those bullying assholes that tried to convert me as a kid, then told me I was going to hell because I refused to believe just like they did. And also because “no, I’m not like any of the few tolerant people I knew growing up who didn’t mind whether I went to their church or not.

My friend Kevin Swan had a special telephone shorthand; he would call now and then (even years later, long after leaving college) and start tapping out a little tune on the touchtone. The name of the tune was “You are a Mormon.” It went 3-2-1 11. And my response was to mash all the numbers at once so that it sounded like “CLASH! CLASH!” which of course meant F*** Y** and then of course, ha ha! we would carry on a more normal conversation. Except sometimes, just to get me riled up, he’d play the tune again and then I’d make the [expletive deleted] sound again. If he reads this post via Facebook, he knows where he can reach me, “CLASH! CLASH!”

So here I am, more than 3 decades after moving away from Utah, and I still have issues that for lack of a better term I’ve come to call “Notty Problems.” I still read the Salt Lake Tribune, taking note of quirky news stories that happen “Only in Utah.” As in high school, I read the letters to the editor in order to mock the Kolob-Aid drinkers and cheer for the independent thinkers, except now I do it online and get to use the handy “like” buttons. We have one or two LDS friends (one in Utah) and I refrain from bitching about “THE charch” because I care for them, but I really am very intolerant of official LDS leadership, as it comes from being treated with intolerance. It’s a failing;  I struggle with it. I only wish some leaders (Boyd K. Packer, I’m looking at you) would have a revelation about their own intolerance towards gay Mormons, and gay people in general.

The thought of Mitt Romney making a successful run for President horrifies me, because I know what and who he would bring along to the (Grand Old) Party. On the other hand, I like and admire Harry Reid (D-Hard Eight), because he’s an LDS Democrat, a feat only achieved by people who REALLY think for themselves.

I will probably never, ever be rid of this notty problem; I will always have a chip on my shoulder about a religion whose truest believers tormented and rejected me as a child and young adult.  I will try to take Bishop Scott’s advice to heart, though, and learn to define myself and my beliefs in positive terms, not negative ones.

Spotted A 800-Got-Junk Truck, Wonder If AETVs #Hoarders Were In My Area?

My current favorite show is AEtv’s Hoarders, and fans of that series always cheer when the 1-800-Got-Junk? trucks show up, because that means the horror show is about to start (but also some hard physical and pychological work will be done).

I spotted one of their trucks over by Arlington Park; wonder if the village hired them. NO mention in the article of the show, but I heard on the fan grapevine that the show will feature someone from the Chicago area next week.

Besides guns, the strangest thing inside John Wuerffel’s house was a partially-decayed cat, said Schaumburg officials helping on Wednesday to clean out the cluttered home.

via Wuerffel back home after arrest — Schaumburg news, photos and events —

Uh, oh! SAILCAT!

Sabre2thless Tigress – That’ll Teach Me Not To Floss

If you think dentistry is squicky or disgusting, it’s probably best if you just move along to something else, possibly involving unicorns frolicking in a meadow. With spoons.
That said, let’s move on to the events leading up to yesterday’s rather unpleasant activities, which involved:

  1. A loud sucking noise, with disturbing interruptions that went “THHHUPPP!
  2. A nice man and lady discussing Polish films while doing awful things to me.
  3. Large metal implements that looked like pliers and thumbscrews THAT WERE IN MY MOUTH.
  4. My head being used for leverage, very thoroughly but considerately.

Clearly, I was not having a great time, but it actually wasn’t that bad, especially since I couldn’t really see what was going on. I was Tweeting things beforehand with a hashtag of #isitsafe, but it wasn’t horrible torture. It was necessary because for the last couple of years, I neglected to floss consistently, and didn’t get in to see my regular dentist because I didn’t want to deal with my “problem” upper back molar.

My dentist Dr. Salzberg is a wonderful guy, and he’d put a crown up in there to replace a really bad filling that had broken. In fact, that one molar has been a problem for at least 15 years or more; it may have been done when I was still living in Salt Lake, although it may date from some dental work I had in Eugene in college.

The crown was never really a success; there just wasn’t that much material left to attach it to, and there was a little ledge under it that tended to collect food. Dr Salzberg told me he thought we needed to re-do it or something 2 years ago, and I didn’t want to deal with it, and avoided the issue by not going in for regular cleanings.

Well, that’ll learn me.

Here is where you should stop reading if you really don’t want to know too much about modern dentistry, or pliers, or souped-up Dremel tools that go where they have never gone before.

I will add that my periodontist, Dr Dan Greising, is a wonderful person, very calm and caring, and he actually called me at home last night to see how I was doing.  David was absolutely floored.

Now then, on to the needless details of my oral surgery yesterday. You have been warned.

Continue reading

Linkdump: November 2nd – November 4th

The Day After, And Guess What Else Is On The Agenda?


Abortion. It’s always been on the table, but now we can expect a little more… push.

I was reading Talking Points Memo the other day and saw an ad for this anti-abortion outfit in the sidebar. Knowing that TPM gets paid for clicks, I took their survey, answering NO to every heavily biased question.

The response was the long screed about the sanctity of life, with no acknowledgment of my answers. Obviously, not a survey, but a preachable moment and more importantly, a fundraising gimmick. Well, he’s NOT preaching to the choir here, and I’m certainly NOT a member of this “committee.”

So first they symbolically demand that I have an unwanted baby, over my strongest objections, and then demand money from me – I can’t figure out whether I’ve been rhetorically raped, robbed, or prostituted.