Dine And Dash, London Style

We don’t eat in these sorts of places, but I imagine it wasnt difficult to catch a man full of good food and undoubtedly very good wine.

We just got back from dinner with friends at a very nice Italian restaurant near Sloan Square called Caraffini. Lovely time, fabulous food, we did dine well but definitely did not dash away. I had the chicken with chestnuts; it was memorable.

For our return journey we re-enacted the “car scene” from Notting Hill; hope the doorman was amused as we extricated ourselves.

LONDON (Reuters) – An unemployed man has been charged with wining and dining at a series of London’s top restaurants, running up massive bills and then disappearing without paying, police said on Wednesday.
Latvian Janis Nords, 27, is accused of carrying out the scam on three occasions between October 14 and November 15.

via Man charged with eat and run at top restaurants – Yahoo! News.

Rugby At The Phoenix


First night in London finds us at the Phoenix in Westminster, and it’s a family affair for England vs. Australia. Nice pub, very cozy, real fire in the fireplace, and very ambitious pub food.

The main bar is done up like an old-fashioned kitchen. The crowd is pretty diverse, with a big age range as you can see.

We had a Cornish bitter to start – good stuff, Maynard – and David went on to a nice draught cider. Our waitress took good care of us, too.

Weekly Tweets 2010-11-14

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AA Website Wonders Why It Sits Home On A Friday Night

Because the Christian Science Monitor is not that into it, frankly.

I’ve visited AA.com a number of times recently, and here we are at the gate waiting to board the London flight. In coach, because I didnt have elite mileage status (and being a travel agent is actually negative status mojo these days).

I agree that AA.com is ugly, hard to navigate, and nearly impossible to use. And I also agree that RyanAir has them beat for ugly, diffuculty of use, and likelihood that it’ll time out while you’re reading terms and accepting policies. Ugh.

On the other hand, WE’RE HEADED TO LONDON but will keep in touch with family.

Posted with the iPhone, barely

1. American Airlines

The website design expert’s opinion on the major airline’s homepage is blunt:

“It looks like a government form. Believe it or not, American Airlines’ site stresses me out just by looking at it,” says Gabriel Shaoolian, CEO of Blue Fountain Media, a website design company with clients such as Nike, United Nations, and Harper Collins Publishers. “It looks like it was created 15 years ago.”

The airline’s static homepage comes off even worse once compared to those of its competitors, JetBlue.com or United.com for example. Both have more relaxed designs – less clutter and easier on the eyes color schemes.

Planning a flight can already be a harrowing experience. Add to that an unappealing interface and users may subconsciously avoid purchasing from American Airlines.

via 4 ugly websites from companies that should know better – American Airlines – CSMonitor.com.

Why #SGU Is Worth Watching And Worth Renewing

It’s compelling drama, and the stories aren’t neatly tied up with a bow at the end of the hour. You really should be watching it if you like character-driven stories, that develop in surprising ways, that aren’t telegraphed in the first ten minutes.

SGU follows a band of soldiers, scientists and civilians, who must fend for themselves as they are forced through a Stargate when their hidden base comes under attack. The desperate survivors emerge aboard an ancient ship, which is locked on an unknown course and unable to return to Earth. Faced with meeting the most basic needs of food, water and air, the group must unlock the secrets of the ship’s Stargate to survive. The danger, adventure and hope they find on board the Destiny will reveal the heroes and villains among them.

via Official Stargate Website: Series: Stargate Universe.

A lot of science fiction fans are talking about Stargate: Universe. It has its detractors, sure. A lot of fans of the previous show in the franchise, Atlantis, are still pretty gruntled over the cancellation of that series in favor of this one. Frankly, at first I was angry too, but I wanted to give the new show a chance as much as I wanted to see more of Shepard, McKay, and Ronan.

Many complain that SGU is too dark, literally – it’s set on a spooky near-derelict spaceship and the lighting is deliberately moody. But more importantly, the storylines are dark, full of interpersonal conflict between different groups on board the Destiny, and between individuals. Not only that, major characters are quite often flawed, and depicted as dealing (or not dealing) with those flaws in different ways.

A lot of the storylines deal with these interpersonal conflicts, but fortunately it doesn’t devolve into a soap opera in space; there’s too much at stake. People stranded on the ship have lives back home on Earth that aren’t just on hold; they have the ability, in a clever plot device, to transfer their consciousness to someone else on Earth temporarily, so they can visit family or consult with Stargate Command.

One of the most moving recent episodes involved Eli, aka Mathboy. His mother is HIV+ (she’s a nurse, contracted via needle stick I think) and she wasn’t doing very well, so Eli got the alien mind-transfer version of a compassionate leave home. For various reasons, it was some of the best drama I’d seen on TV this season. There’s some fan chatter going around that the show might not get renewed, which would be a terrible thing; just as the story has ramped up it would be a shame to abandon ship now.

SGU is on tonight and we’ll be watching. Why don’t you join us?