Weekly Tweets 2010-11-28

  • Back in Chicago. Next time must have data plan for tweets on the go! Farewell #London #
  • I checked in at Christ Hospital and Medical Center (4440 W 95th St) on #Yelp http://bit.ly/ate6f0 #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover Dead American Writers by Tired Pony. http://shz.am/t52500173 #
  • At work. Wait, wasn't I just in #London Vaca officially over. #Chicago #
  • RT @smith_blarney "Underwear Invention Protects Privacy At Airport http://bit.ly/bsYz44" Would someone please field-test this? #TSApornscan #
  • O'Hare was easy Saturday; short lines at Immigration as we arrived at 725pm. Curbside by 745pm, Mike at www.oharetaxico.com there in 5mins #
  • Freakishly warm today. 63F and rainy earlier. It's almost T-day, people! This is most unChicagolike! http://moby.to/s6cl8p #
  • Tornado sirens sounding as I left. Team leader trying to herd cats in lobby. http://is.gd/hBNYr #
  • Second wave of storms hitting. Supposedly hitting I-355. #
  • Watching the US version of #TopGear on TiVo. Who writes this stuff? Who cast these guys? Why? Why? #
  • Typical American take on a British import; fight fire with firepower. #TopGear #
  • Jeebus. They have their own homegrown Stig. Their own test track. Their own magnetic time strips. #TopGear #
  • Okay. Buzz Aldrin in the hangar. This may be interesting. #TopGear #
  • Needs more cowbell. #TopGearUSA #
  • Gave up, watching Hoarders from last week. #TopGearUSA #
  • There doesn't have to be a loud one, a cute one, and a bumbly one, but it helps to have personality, charm, and humor. #TopGearUSA #
  • There were flashes of fun; mostly when they were being hunted by a FREAKING HELICOPTER GUNSHIP. Heh, Cobra switcheroonie. #TopGearUSA #
  • 63 degrees and funnel clouds yesterday. 25 degrees and frost today. #denythis http://moby.to/cykwp3 #
  • Utah student stripped to Speedos at SLC airport yesterday, ignored by all despite "SCREW BIG SIS" on back. #FAIL #TSA http://is.gd/hIlxD #
  • Amazing Flickr set of photos from #London student protest: the Whitehall "kettle" http://is.gd/hP93d #
  • I checked in at Palermo's Italian Cuisine (4849 W 95th St) on #Yelp http://bit.ly/9FoQVJ #
  • Still #FollowFriday @JoanMReeves @paulandstorm @petersagal @Three_Star_Dave @lesjenkins @fallingrock @bcwoods @AMauiBlog @ColonelTribune #

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Linkdump: November 25th – November 27th

Ugly Americanisms: Two Countries Divided By A Language

In my ongoing love affair with all things British, I sometimes come up against things that are less loveable, such as the crankypants insularity that is a hallmark of the English national personality. I do understand, really I do; references to our popular culture, fast-food cuisine and security-theater politics are everywhere in the UK where there’s a TV, a McDonalds, or an international airport.

I chuckled at this story, which quotes several peevish readers complaining about the use of American idiom and slang in the Guardian, a left-leaning newspaper. For the record, “clatch” is the German word “klatsch,” we currently spell it “rambunctious” now (note spelling differs from the original one), and “schlep” is Yiddish. Our shared language is as endlessly diverting as it is diverse.

"Can you please ask your journalists and feature writers not to use American English in their articles? Whilst I appreciate that many are either American themselves, or have spent a long time in the USA, they are nevertheless writing for a British readership. Recent examples include clatch, rumbunctious, drag for High Street, dweebish and schlep. I find myself constantly having to reach for the dictionary to find out what your journalists are saying when I am reading the Guardian or Observer because of these ugly and unnecessary Americanisms."

via Lickety splits: two nations divided by a common language | Mind your language | Media | guardian.co.uk.

Things To Be Thankful For

We weren’t able to get to the big family Thanksgiving dinner today because David wasn’t feeling all that well, and also yesterday I had some tummy problems, so instead of stressing out trying to get everything done, we decided to just take it easy for the day. Sorry to miss out on the great food, but that’s how it is. We at least had turkey for sandwiches and we’ll have a little something easy for dinner shortly.

Here are some of the things I’m thankful for anyway:

  • We have our health, for the most part (stitches out, no more Frankenmouth, yay)
  • We were able to go to London and had a lovely time being tourons
  • We have an incredible family, especially Shel and Leah, David’s parents
  • I didn’t blow up the microwave earlier
  • David has fixed a problem with the stove (but looking forward to a future remodel)
  • We both have fulfilling jobs, something not everyone can say this year

Oh, and I’m thankful that I have the day off tomorrow, something that doesn’t usually happen. Scheduling on my team got less complicated so next year I have it off, too. However, I am NOT setting foot in a store.

Time For A New Microwave! Happy Thanksgiving Everbodee!


I was trying to make dulce de leche in the microwave, but the recipe calls for half-power and our microwave’s keypad is busted, limiting us to just a few functions.

Thought I could cope but the sweetened condensed milk boiled merrily away, leaving the lazy Susan platter full of milk solids. Yum! Not!

Time for a new microwave; just doing my bit to goose the economy.

Via: Flickr
Title: Time For A New Microwave! Happy Thanksgiving Everbodee!
By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 25 Nov ’10, 10.48am CST PST

Linkdump: November 8th – November 25th

Weekly Tweets 2010-11-21

  • Back at hotel suffuring from Tourons' Syndrome: tired feet, sore back and jet lag. #fb #london #
  • Toddled off to church this am. Got lost, arrived late, explained that like so many before me I took a wrong turning. #London #
  • On way back, passed "Mr Beebe" (Simon Callow). We good-morninged each other, a few steps later the penny dropped. #London #
  • Yesterday I could swear I saw Penelope Keith. If we see her in "The Rivals," I'd have proof. #London #
  • Walked over to see Field of Remembrance at the Abbey. Watched veterans parade past, caught a glimpse of official cars. #London #
  • Lunch at Pret a Manger not bad at all, then Science Museum. Excellent dino exhibit! Life size animatronic T. Rex! RAWR! #London #
  • Er, the Natural History museum #Istandcorrected #London #
  • Awoke from dream where I said "I'm just a stupid American," then read this rail story and realized I'm not alone. http://is.gd/h5CpC #London #
  • Dreamt about random people seen at LHR, in the Tube, in #London Rode in a car, forgot to dream it on the left. Assimilation incomplete. #
  • Husqvarna Halftermé #SarahPalinbabynames #
  • Lunch yesterday at the Rubens at the Palace after the Queen's Gallery and Royal Mews. Mmm cider. #London http://moby.to/ipk6tm #
  • Back at hotel after Globe Theater tour, walked across Milennium Bridge to get there. #London #
  • Ate lunch today at Gourmet Burger Kitchen in Clink St. Worth finding! #London #
  • Globe Theatre tour awesome. Good pictures, great guide. #London #
  • I checked in at Buckingham Arms (62 Petty France) on #Yelp http://bit.ly/9Shkjx #
  • Back at hotel. Ended up at The Old Star, decent remodeled pub. No food at Buckingham Arms, though it seemed cozy. #London #
  • I'm now the Duchess of The Old Star on #Yelp http://bit.ly/bB32ta #
  • RT @Wonkette "Conservatives Spending Hours Voting For Bristol Palin To Get Back At ACORN http://bit.ly/ayNVjc" Winning is everything. #
  • "Enter to win 2 tickets to #Hawaii by following @hawaiidiscount and retweeting this message #hawaiidiscount http://bit.ly/aw4DyI" Ooh me! #
  • Taking break after hitting Harrod's and then the Imperial War Museum. Tea and foot massage plz. #London #

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