News & Opinion: The Ugly Truth (Tucson Weekly . 07-06-98)

Lately I’ve been feeling bad for U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno. This is perhaps the most successful female lawyer of all time, and yet all we ever hear about is that she’s too tall, too gawky, and just plain unattractive. What does that have to do with anything?

Is it her choice to go through life unattractive and unattached? I don’t think so. I saw her interviewed once and she poignantly said that she really felt bad about never having had the opportunity to get married and have children, or for that matter, to even date all that much. Is that funny to anybody? Maybe to those dyed-blonde, face-lifted Tammy Faye Bakker-looking scuzzes who sit at Republican fundraisers and laugh at stupid stuff like that. But it shouldn’t be funny to anybody who has a heart instead of just a wallet.

via News & Opinion: The Ugly Truth (Tucson Weekly . 07-06-98).

Woo Link Still Not Working?



Actually, it’s sort of working, because I decided put the woo_tumblog_the_title in the template after all, just not entirely replacing my title tag. And then I added the woo_tumblog_link_content just above the woo_tumblog_content tag I’d previously added.

So hey, if you click the title link, it’ll lead you to the WooThemes page. Now I just need to figure out adding a graphic to it to highlight the fact that it’s not a normal title link.

Unfortunately for WooTumblog, I did get the Press This Reloaded bookmarklet working on the iPhone somehow… it turns out that whatever page I’m on can’t have extra added cruft in the URL, such as that added by Google Reader. And even then some pages (in the iPhone only) just won’t work because some script is messing things up, but it’s pretty reliable so long as I copy some text to quote, which seems to invoke the plug-in and get the URL turned into a link.

Oy. At least it leads to more quick blogging. Which is a good thing, right? Right?

WooTumblog Support


Added separate link “call” instead of trying to replace title… via dashboard.

UPDATE: Had to edit to add “quote” link and author to get this sort of working. Later, added the WooTumblog entry-title tag just above the woo_tumblog_content tags in posts and archives. I can live with a duplicate title, can style it differently to set it off with a link. I don’t like the Tumblr-like icon so I have icon=”false” in the tags.

UPDATE II: Getting closer, using custom title/link tag…